The Hobbit – Notes on Pages 221-240
Previously on Little Hobbit on the Prairie Bilbo and the dwarves open the secret door into the Lonely Mountain. Upon entering, Bilbo steals a cup, wakes the dragon, and everyone winds up taking into the tunnel for shelter from the flames.
Page 221 After Bilbo makes clear his inability to slay dragons, the dwarves retort: “Nevermind that…what are we to do now, today?” Now the dwarves are pretty much full-on turning to Bilbo for advice, for what to do, for the plan. What is Bilbo’s plan? To go back into the dragon’s lair and have a look around. And the dwarves readily accept, showing again their unwillingness to be the first ones into danger.
Page 222 222-227 holds the conversation with the dragon, one of the most important scenes in the book. Let’s read those pages together, then resume up here. Note the parrying back and forth of words between Bilbo and Smaug.
Page 223 And how does Bilbo introduce himself? Surely not with his name, and it seems even Smaug has never smelled hobbits before. From under hills and over hills. He that walks unseen. He who drowns his friends and draws them back to life again. Barrel rider. Note that he is trying to be clever, but how have these things changed him, become him? His journey has made him a very different person and thus, in a way, these things are (a part of) him, now.
Page 224 “In return for my excellent meal I will give you one piece of advice for your good: don’t have more to do with dwarves than you can help!” Note the ominous tone in this. Dragons might lie; then again, when one is so powerful, does one need to lie or apologize or any other such thing? “And I suppose they’re skulking outside, and it’s your job to do all the dangerous work.” Note how he hits many (though not all) things right on the head. “Dragon-spell.” Note that his words are not only clever, good at sowing doubt, but somehow magical in themselves.
Page 225 Note how Smaug rattles off particulars, down to earth facts, things Bilbo and the dwarves have been blissfully ignoring throughout this whole plan / trip. For a fantasy creature, he’s quite realistic and practical. “Smaug had a rather overwhelming personality.” Note how the doubt grows.
Page 226 Revenge. “Then Smaug really did laugh.” Apparently Smaug is so confident that not only does he laugh at the idea of death and weakness, but proceeds to list, in detail, all of his strengths – show all of his armor – to Bilbo.
Page 227 How does Bilbo outwit Smaug and get him to do what he wants? What does Bilbo discover about Smaug’s armor by doing this? “Ponies take some catching…and so do burglars.” How is his last smart comment / wise crack a bit unwise? “Never laugh at live dragons, Bilbo you fool!” Think of this figuratively. We already have a similar saying: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. What do both sayings mean?
Page 228 What is the significance / history of the thrushes on this mountain, according to Thorin? How might this prove useful to Bilbo and the people of Lake Town?
Page 229 Bilbo comes to regret his foolish words with the dragon, yet the dwarves comfort him and assure him that it’s difficult to avoid revealing too much to a dragon (remember the enchanting nature of their speech). Note also the dwarves state that most who speak to Smaug do far worse (i.e. die).
Page 230 At Bilbo’s insistence, Thorin and company go deeper into the tunnel to avoid Smaug’s wrath, should he find the outer entrance. Why are they reluctant to shut the door? As Bilbo talks over the dragon’s words with the dwarves, he figures out that the dragon was indeed trying to shake him up – that not all he said was quite honest or worthy of worry.
Page 231 As they seem to have time to kill in the tunnel, the oldest dwarves (those who remember the Lonely Mountain) discuss the mighty weapons and treasures and other marvels that might still be there. What gem do they (especially Thorin) value above all else? To whom did it belong?
Page 232-233 (End of Chapter) Finally, they shut the door. How might this be problematic? How might this have saved their lives? Failing to find the dwarves, where does Smaug go next, and why? “They shall see me and remember who is the real King under the Mountain!” – Smaug
Page 234 (Start of Chapter) “Not at Home” And so they wait. And wait. And Smaug does not return…
Page 235 “Bilbo felt a strange lightening of the heart.” “Come Come!...Where there’s life there’s hope!” – Bilbo. In time, they decide there’s only one thing left to do in their situation, and all descend into the main chambers of the mountain.
Page 236 “Confound you, Smaug, you worm!...Stop playing hide-and-seek! Give me a light, and then eat me, if you can catch me!” Where is Smaug? Slowly they light torches, explore the dim chambers, and try to ascertain what’s happened.
Page 237 What does Bilbo find? What does he do with it? Why? What do you believe the dwarves will think, Thorin especially?
Page 238 They explore some more. Aside from dying torches and squeaking bats, there seem to be no problems or obstacles of any kind.
Page 239 However, there is a definite change in the dwarves: “The mere fleeting glimpses of treasure which they had caught as they went along had rekindled all the fire of their dwarvish hearts; and when the heart of a dwarf, even the most respectable, is wakened by gold and jewels, he grows suddenly bold, and he may become fierce.” The things hinted at about dwarves and gold have grown, become more ominous, as now they are standing on hills of it.
Page 239-240 Notice the lack of fear. They don’t know whether Smaug is coming back or not, yet they act as if they’re safe as can be. The gold makes them almost drunk with greed. What does Thorin give to Bilbo to wear? What does it do? Bilbo tries to remind the dwarves of the dangers – to not get too comfortable until they know what’s happened to Smaug. Read pages 241-260 for tomorrow’s discussion, and we’ll find out.