ECONOMICS: August 30 Warm-up See, Think, Wonder (Review from 1-1-1) Learning Target In order to understand the challenges resulting from the fundamental economic problem of economics, I will analyze the different ways that societies and countries deal with this problem. I will know I have it when I can identify the three economic questions every society must answer and why they are forced to answer the questions. Ch. 1, Lesson 1, Day 2 (HO) (TURN IN) --Adam Smith & the Invisible Hand; Video Clip #1; Video Clip #2 --Wealth!!! --TINSTAAFL --3 fundamental economic questions Closure 3-2-1 Assignment --Read Ch. 1, Lesson 2 (your economics e-textbook is now available!) --turn in Course Guidelines signature sheet (HO) due by Friday 3rd PD.—HOMEROOM FORMS DUE TOMORROW IN 3RD PERIOD
The Study of Economics: Review See Think Wonder What do you see in this picture? (observations only) Connect observations to prior learning What questions do you have about this picture?