Research about the planet JUPITER 12/7/2018
Jupiter is a GAS GIANT. 1/8/2016
Jupiter has many moons. 12/7/2018 Europa, Io, Ganymede, Callisto, Amalthea, Metis, Adrastea, Thebe, Pasiphae, Ananke, Himalia, Carme, Themisto, Elara, Leda, Sinope, Lysithea, Carpo, Erinome, Megaclite, Callirrhoe, Dia, Pasithee, Euanthe, Kalyke, Orthosie, Chaldene, Locaste, Herippe, Isonoe, Harpalyke, Taygete, etc. 12/7/2018
Does Jupiter have an atmosphere? This is an old photograph of the atmosphere, inside of the RED CIRCLE is the atmosphere, due to this photo being old, it was taken in SEPIA. 12/7/2018
The Colors of JUPITER 12/7/2018 The colors of JUPITER may include; White, Red, Orange, and Brown. 12/7/2018
Does JUPITER have any rings? No, JUPITER doesn’t have any rings, though it might, we just might not be able to see them. Maybe the rocks are very, very small, and not visible to the human eye. 12/7/2018
Jupiter’s temperature Jupiter’s temperature is around 145° degrees Celsius (minus 234° degrees Fahrenheit). 12/7/2018
How far is Jupiter from the SUN? Jupiter is around 0.00008229 Light Years, and 483.8 Million Miles from the sun. 12/7/2018
How did JUPITER get its name? The Romans had known of seven bright objects in the sky, including; the Sun, the Moon and the five brightest planets. They named them after their most important gods. Jupiter, the largest planet, had been named after the king of the Roman gods. 12/7/2018
Who had discovered JUPITER??? Galileo Galilei discovered our 5th planet from the sun, Jupiter. 12/7/2018
What is our 5th planet, Jupiter’s diameter? Jupiter is about 86,881.4 miles in diameter. 12/7/2018
What is JUPITER’S axis rotation time?? It takes Jupiter about 9.9 hours to complete, one full rotation. 12/7/2018
How long does it take Jupiter to orbit around the sun How long does it take Jupiter to orbit around the sun? It takes Jupiter 4,332 days to orbit around the sun once. How much would you weigh on Jupiter? 2.54, but it depends on how much you weigh. 12/7/2018
Does Jupiter have any mountains, or valleys? Jupiter has no mountains or valleys, because it is a Gas Giant. It has no surface terrain, so if you had a space shuttle and you wanted to land on a Gas Planet, you wouldn’t be able to, that we know of, anyway. 12/7/2018
Jupiter By Will Fifth Grade Mr. Smith’s class 12/7/2018