Innovations in Multi-Modal Transit Mapping Margaret Carragher E.I.T Dr. Kari Watkins P.E.
Outline Introduction Literature Review Methodology Results & Conclusions Going Forward
INTRODUCTION IntroductionLiterature ReviewFuture ResearchMethodologyResults & Conclusions
Project Goal As transit systems become multi-modal, so must their system maps. Address multi-modal system maps Understand rider views on system maps Create a design guide for multi-modal, schematic maps
Overview Take a new look at schematic transit mapping Make it easier for riders to interact with information Create user-friendly maps including bus system to encourage multi- modal travel according to riders Examine rider reactions to these maps Determine methodologies for producing maps Tourist/new users Commuters Frequency
Project Motivation Zhan Guos Mind the Map Schematic maps impact traveler decisions Class project Affect bus/system awareness
Objectives Identify riders who would benefit from multi- modal maps Examine rider desires for frequency and/or destination maps Examine potential effects on bus ridership Develop methodologies for creating rider- specific maps
LITERATURE REVIEW IntroductionLiterature ReviewFuture ResearchResults & ConclusionsMethodology
Lit Review Alasdair Cain Importance of effective map design Not knowing/understanding bus maps contributes to non-ridership User Insights & Perception Skewed distances Unclear maps User perception of space
Interviews/Case Studies Cities with unique transit maps Boston Chicago Interviewed Map designer Agency who dictated the design/elements/criteria
Boston (MBTA) Key Bus Route Rules: Run 7 days/week 15 min headway during peak hours Easily connects to rail system Reach underserviced neighborhoods Figure Source : MBTA
Chicago (CTA) Bus routes with consistent service Categorize attractions Where people want to go Places that can accommodate a lot of people Hotels with a capacity threshold Figure Source : CTA
METHODOLOGY IntroductionLiterature ReviewFuture ResearchMethodologyResults & Conclusions
Methodology On-board MARTA rail survey of transit users Rail-only users Bus and rail users Conducted April 30-May 4, 2012 Randomly selected participants in all stations Asked ridership, map-based, demographic questions 356 Completed surveys
About the Survey Participants
Income Ethnicity
About the Survey Participants Car Ownership License Ownership
MARTA owned parking lots No frequency criteria Aimed at commuters
Based on new attractions list Not all 30 minute headways are included, only those reaching destinations
Most frequent MARTA map Frequencies minutes
Existing rail map
RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS IntroductionLiterature ReviewFuture ResearchResults & ConclusionsMethodology
Results Frequency vs. Popular Destinations Most useful map Potential future bus ridership
Frequency vs. Popular Destinations Question: Is it more important for maps to show the bus routes that reach popular destinations or buses that come often? Results: Frequent Service: 56% Popular Destinations: 35% Unsure:10%
Most Useful Map
Bus Ridership Question: If one of these maps replaced the current MARTA overall map, would you ride the bus more? Results: Yes: 42 % No: 49% Unsure: 8%
Summary & Conclusions Riders found the maps useful Frequency is important to riders These maps have the potential for some bus ridership increases
FUTURE RESEARCH IntroductionLiterature ReviewFuture ResearchResults & ConclusionsMethodology
Future Research Further data analysis Examine stated preference vs. acted preference Conduct mail home survey to reach non-riders and bus-only riders in affected areas Create a guide for designing criteria-based maps
Questions? Margaret Carragher E.I.T Dr. Kari Watkins P.E.