Mrs. Radomski’s Second Grade Welcome to Room 502! Mrs. Radomski’s Second Grade 2018 - 2019
About 2nd Grade Our Daily Schedule 8:15 – 8:45 Morning Work/Announcements 8:45 – 10:15 Math 10:15 – 10:30 Snack/Read Aloud 10:30 – 11:00 Writing 11:00 – 12:10 Reading 12:10 – 12:40 Recess 12:45 – 1:15 Lunch 1:15 – 1:45 Silent Reading and other Goals 1:45 – 2:25 Science/Social Studies 2:30 – 3:10 Specials 3:10 Announcements/Dismissal
About 2nd Grade Our Specials Monday QUEST with Mrs. Doherty at 2:30 Tuesday Art with Mrs. Thomas at 2:30 Wednesday Gym with Mr. Bocklet at 2:30 Thursday Music with Mrs. Quinn at 2:30 Friday Library with Ms. O’Connor at 2:30
We will track our progress on our Classroom Scoreboard! About 2nd Grade Four Important Rules: 1. Be Kind. 2. Be Safe. 3. Be Respectful. 4. Be Gritty. We will track our progress on our Classroom Scoreboard!
What do we mean by “Grit”? Giving up is NOT an option Ready for always giving it 100% I can reach all my goals Take on all challenges
Gritty Words B- handout
5 Themes of our Paws for Pride Program P - Pride R – Respect I – Individual Responsibility D – Determination E – Empathy
About 2nd Grade Homework Policy Homework Monday through Thursday for approximately 20 minutes each night. Nightly reading assignment of 10-15 minutes. Homework assignment book will be sent home in the homework folder Monday-Thursday. A parent signature is required each night after the completion of the assignment. We also ask that parents sign the Reading Log each night. Incomplete homework assignments are finished at recess. If there is a reason for an unfinished assignment please send in a note with your signature.
About 2nd Grade Be sure to visit our class website frequently – The website is updated frequently. It has information about our activities, our learning, and our homework, as well as links to resources from Everyday Math and XtraMath.
About 2nd Grade Reminders We are in need of hand sanitizer! Please check the Sign-Up Genius link in your next e-mail for other items we could use. Scholastic Book Orders (monthly) Seesaw and XtraMath Healthy Snack Send notes to teacher in homework folder Absence notes and Dismissal Change notes
Birthday Celebrations Your child’s pre-birthday note will read as follows: No food or treat bags! Happy Birthday To You! Your birthday is almost here! If you would like to celebrate with your 2nd grade friends at school, choose one of these birthday wishes - Donate a book to the classroom library - Invite in a guest reader - Bring in pencils/erasers for the class - Read your favorite book to the class - Trade chairs with Mrs. Radomski - Class Spirit Day - in honor of you! (teacher approval required) - Choose a class game to play
Don't forget Clearances for 2018 . . . Be sure to check the Don't forget Clearances for 2018 . . . Titus will expect all potential volunteers to complete their paperwork for clearances prior to assuming any volunteer/chaperone role within the school. This will ensure we are in line with district and state expectations. Who Needs Clearances: An individual who is responsible for the child’s welfare or has direct volunteer contact with children. Direct Volunteer Contact – The care, supervision, guidance, or control of children and routine interaction with children Routine Interaction – Regular and repeated contact that is integral to a person’s employment or volunteer responsibilities. Person Responsible for Child’s Welfare – Person who provides permanent or temporary care, supervision, mental health diagnosis or treatment, training or control of a child in lieu of parental care, supervision and control. Includes any such person who has direct or regular contact with a child through any program, activity, or service sponsored by a school, for-profit organization or religious or other not for profit organization. Additional information and steps on how to complete your clearances can be found on our district web site.
The Race for Education benefits us all!
Science Fun Day Friday, May 10, 2019
I will be sure to get back to you with an answer. Thank you for coming! If you ever have any questions for me, please feel free to e-mail me anytime ( I will be sure to get back to you with an answer.