OIE Regional Activities related measures against FMD Oudom Xay,Laos 22-24 January 2007 OIE Regional Representation for Asia and the Pacific, Tokyo Y. Oketani
Contents FMD situation OIE Guidelines GF-TADs OIE Information Workshop OIE Epidemiology Workshop OIE Veterinary Drug Workshop
OIE World Organisation for Animal Health an intergovernmental organisation founded in 1924 by 28 countries predates the UN 167 Member Countries headquarters in Paris 5 Regional Representatives (Tokyo, Japan for Asia and the Pacific)
OIE’s international standards
Regional Steering Committees GF-TADs OIE HQ Steering Committee OIE/FAO/Donors FAO (AGA) Global Management Committee Joint FAO/OIE Secretariat Five Regional Commissions Regional OIE Regional Representations/FAO Regional Structure Regional Steering Committees OIE, FAO, Regional Specialised Organizations (RSOs), Specific donors Sub-regional RSU RSU RSU National Veterinary Service, Diagnostic Laboratory, Others
GF-TADs Southeast Asia FMD Regional Steering Committee Secretariat: OIE Tokyo Regional Specified Organization ASEAN Regional Supporting Unit Epidemiology Unit National Institute Reading Institute National Institute l National Institute National Institute National Institute
Questionnaire for BSE Status Recognition Page précédente
Animal Movemet Management
GF-TADs Southeast Asia HPAI Regional Steering Committee Secretariat: OIE Tokyo Regional Specified Organization ASEAN Regional Supporting Unit ASEAN Secretariat Epidemiology Unit Reading Institute Reading Institute National Institute l National Institute National Institute National Institute
Main constraints to Disease control national veterinary services Often no appropriate legislation in place Weakness of disease reporting sistem Limited ability to control animal movements and to increase biosecurity Difficulty of implementing stamping out and vaccination Insufficient laboratory diagnostic capacity and capability
Important lessons learned Early detection and rapid adequate response has prevented spread and persistence of disease in some countries Delayed detection and response, and too much decentralization has led to persistence of the virus in other countries Some developing and in transition countries are at the limit of their abilities to eradicate the disease Improvement of governance, including strong national chain of command is essential!!
OIE Project Coordinator OIE/Japan Special Trust Fund Project for HPAI Control in Southeast Asia Government of Japan OIE Paris FAO Coordination Committee & Steering Committee OIE Tokyo FAO Bangkok OIE Project Coordinator Regional Level Development of Regional Control Strategies Capacity building: Software; ①Support to Control Strategy Development, ②Capacity building of diagnosis and surveillance, etc., ③Training for Field veterinarians and para-professionals on strategic surveillance (meetings, hands-on workshops, etc.), ④Information sharing Hardware; Provision of laboratory diagnostic equipment and materials for capacity building Development of Information System National Level Development of National Strategies and Training
Activities of the Special Trust Fund Project Japan/OIE Special Trust Fund Project in S.E. Asia (1) To encourage the improvement of regional and national HPAI control strategies including the development of contingency plans 2. To encourage HPAI information sharing to further strengthen regional early warning systems 3. To strengthen diagnostic capacity of regional collaborating laboratories and national reference/diagnostic laboratories for HPAI including the holding of training courses on advanced HPAI diagnosis and installment of high performance diagnostic equipment and materials 4. To train field veterinarians and para-professionals on HPAI strategic surveillance
RT-PCR & DNA Sequenser
Major Equipment List for the Laboratories Centrifuge, Incubator, Supplementary Equipment, Reagents, Etc. Cycler for Real-Time PCR Sequencer (for central ref. lab) Biosafety Cabinet C II Review of Lab Equipment of Respective Laboratories Identification of the Equipment and Materials Distribution/Installment of the Equipment for the Laboratories 10
Selection: Laboratory List for Strengthening Diagnostic Capacity Under the OIE Project <Countries> < Laboratories> < Location > Cambodia 1. National Animal Health and Production Phnom Penh Investigation Center Indonesia 1. Disease Investigation Center, Region I (Medan) Medan City, North Sumatra Province 2. Disease Investigation Center, Region IV (Wates) Wates District, Yogyakarta Province 3. Veterinary Research Institute (Bogor) Bogor City, West Java Province Laos 1. National Animal Health Center Vientiane Malaysia 1. Veterinary Research Institute (Ipoh) Ipoh City Myanmar 1. Central Diagnostic Veterinary Laboratory Yangon 2. Mandalay Regional Laboratory Mandalay Philippines 1. Animal Health Center Quezon City 2. Regional Field Unit II Cagayan, Northern Luzon 3. Regional Field Unit VII Cebu Island 4. Regional Field Unit X Cagayan, Mindanao Thailand 1. Northeastern Veterinary Research And Development Center, Lower Zone Surin Province 2. Northeastern Veterinary Research And Development Center, Upper Zone Khon Kaen Pro. 3. National Institute of Animal Health Bangkok Vietnam 1. National Center for Veterinary Diagnosis Hanoi 2. Ho Chi Minh City Regional Diagnostic Center Ho Chi Minh 3. Can Tho Regional Diagnostic Center Can Tho 4. National Institute of Veterinary Research Hanoi 8
Location of the Laboratories Mandalay Hanoi (2) Yangon Vientiane Cagayan Khon Kaen Surin Quezon BKK Phnom Penh Cebu Ho Chi Minh Can Tho Cagayan Ipoh Medan Bogor Wates (Yogyakarta)
Real Time PCR Diagnosis in the Field Sample preparation (Homogenized etc.) Step one: Class III Glovebox Sampling in the field (AI infection suspected) Mini-CFG Extract RNA Step II: Class III/ II Glovebox Real Time PCR Process Tentative Diagnosis in the Field RT-PCR Preparation :PCR Hood Micro-CFG
OIE Regional Information Workshop WAHIS Information Workshop was held in Bangkok Procurment computer systems to report Diseases Obligations of Member Countries based on Infections Other epidemiological events
OUTBREAKS OF H5N1 IN ANIMALS ~December 2005 ~December 2005 (only wild birds) Continuing from 2003 Continuing from 2003 (only wild birds) 2006 January~ 2006 January~ (only wild birds)
OUTBREAKS ~December 2005 (Subtype H5)
OIE/CIRAD Regional Workshop on Epidemiology OIE/CIRAD organized Regional Epidemiology Workshop in Bangkok in 2006 OIE will hold the National Epidemiology Workshop in collaboration with CIRAD in Manikla, Philippines 29 January-2 February and in Jakalta, Indonesia, 19-23 February 2007.
OIE/VICHRegional Workshop on Harmonization of Veterinary Drugs To harmonize Veterinary Grugs administration procedure and inspection technics, OIE held a Regional Workshop on Harmonization of Veterinary Drugs in Bogor, Indonesia, in 11-13 October 2006.
Vaccination Guidelines: Country situation Epidemiological situation Poultry production systems Logistical factors (vet services, cold chain) Diagnostic capacity Compensation mechanism Objective of the campaign (emergency, preventive, routine) Strategy (mass, targeted, ring) Monitoring Financial Resources
Development of Guidelines on the implementation of AI Vaccination To establish detailed guidelines and a decision tree for the application, monitoring, precautionary measures of vaccination strategies Guidelines distributed during the Vienna Conference To guide countries in their decisions whether to implement vaccination programs or not World Conference on AI Vaccination in March 2007
Agreement for virtual vaccine bank for Africa between OIE, AU/IBAR and Donors AU/IBAR/PACE assess needs of countries and order the vaccines through OIE OIE manages a vaccine bank and selects the companies complying with OIE standards on quality of vaccines through an international call for tenders This concept could be extended worldwide
Thank you for your attention !!! OIE Tokyo