Humans Try to Control Nature Neolithic revolution Humans Try to Control Nature
The Paleolithic Age Paleolithic – Old Stone Age Paleolithic people lived in small hunting and gathering groups of about 20 to 30 people. Everyone contributed to feeding the group. Men hunted, while women and children hunted and gathered.
Advances in Technology In the beginning, humans were limited in their methods of survival. They were nomadic and hunted and gathered for survival. New tools and inventions helped make life easier for these early modern humans (Stone Age).
The Last Ice Age The last Ice Age ended about 12,000 B.C. The weather became warmer and as the ice glaciers receded (melted) it fed new rivers throughout the northern hemisphere. The end of the Ice Age caused the ideal warm weather and water sources for farming.
Neolithic Revolution
Men did the hunting while women gathered fruits and berries as well as roots and grasses. About 10,000 years ago the women may have scattered seeds around their campsite before leaving for the season. When they returned they discovered something new. They found new crops growing from the past seeds!!!!
Names and Terms Neolithic – of or relating to the cultural period of the Stone Age. (Middle East) Revolution - a fundamental change in organizational structure. re – to do again or to do over evolution – to evolve or change Neolithic Revolution: AKA Agricultural Revolution The shift from food gathering to food producing FARMING!!!
Causes of the Agricultural Revolution Neolithic Revolution Farming offered an alternative to hunting Change in climate Pressure to find new food sources
This great breakthrough was made successful by methods such as “slash-and-burn farming” – burning fields to provide fertilization for the planted seeds. and “domestication” of animals – taming of animals.
Who broke the ID machine during homeroom with their crazy hair? Journal 1.1 Who broke the ID machine during homeroom with their crazy hair?
Journal Assignment: 1.1 What impact did the Neolithic Revolution have on peoples health; daily life; population size; social structure; and social relationships?
Essential Questions
What geographic features are present that makes this area valuable for agriculture?
Why is the Neolithic Revolution important? In order to grow crops, humans will have to “settle down” and wait for the seeds / crops to grow. “Settling down” meant the first human settlements (villages and later, cities!) Once settled, humans tamed animals (goats, cattle, pigs, sheep) > used as beasts of burden (farming/riding), sources of meat protein, milk, hides and fibers for protective clothing. food surpluses (grain storage) > increased birth rates, decreased infant mortality rates, increased life expectancies > population explosion > large civilizations. Put simply, because humans finally settled down… the Neolithic Revolution (Agriculture) led to Civilization!
The main consequences of agricultural production Populations became more sedentary and worked longer hours. Production of a social surplus, due to the fact that each household can produce about 5 times its own necessary consumption. Increased population and fertility, due to sedentarism, increased food supply, and the decline of birth-spacing. Emergence of towns, and later cities. The urban revolution closely followed the neolithic revolution. Emergence of full-time specialists not dependent on farming, e.g. craftsmen, such as metal workers, potters, weavers, and also priests, scribes, artists, bureaucrats, and aristocrats, law-makers, traders. Stimulated inventions in: metallurgy, writing, astronomy, architecture, city-planning. Also: increase in infectious diseases: smallpox, measles, influenza, tuberculosis, malaria.