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Presentation transcript:


A prophecy at the Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles, California in 1906 bears repeating in our generation. “In the last days three things will happen in the Great Pentecostal Movement: 1. There will be an overemphasis on power, rather than on righteousness. 2. There will be an overemphasis on praise, to a God they no longer pray to. 3. There will be an overemphasis on the gifts of the Spirit, rather than on the lordship of Christ.

I. THE FLAME OF PASSION FOR GOD While the man held on to Peter and John, all the people were astonished and came running to them in the place called Solomon’s Colonnade. 12 When Peter saw this, he said to them: “Fellow Israelites, why does this surprise you? Why do you stare at us as if by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk? 13 The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers, has glorified his servant Jesus. You handed him over to be killed, and you disowned him before Pilate, though he had decided to let him go Acts 3:11-13

I. THE FLAME OF PASSION FOR GOD You disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you. 15 You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this. 16 By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see. You handed him over to be killed, and you disowned him before Pilate, though he had decided to let him go Acts 3:14-16

I. THE FLAME OF PASSION FOR GOD “Now, fellow Israelites, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did your leaders. 18 But this is how God fulfilled what he had foretold through all the prophets, saying that his Messiah would suffer. 19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, 20 and that he may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus. 21 Heaven must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he promised long ago through his holy prophets. Acts 3:17-21

I. THE FLAME OF PASSION FOR GOD The next day the rulers, the elders and the teachers of the law met in Jerusalem. 6 Annas the high priest was there, and so were Caiaphas, John, Alexander and others of the high priest’s family. 7 They had Peter and John brought before them and began to question them: “By what power or what name did you do this?” Acts 4:5-7

I. THE FLAME OF PASSION FOR GOD “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them: “Rulers and elders of the people! 9 If we are being called to account today for an act of kindness shown to a man who was lame and are being asked how he was healed, 10 then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. 11 Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’” Acts 4:8-11

I. THE FLAME OF PASSION FOR GOD “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” 13 When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. Acts 4:12,13

I. THE FLAME OF PASSION FOR GOD Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Acts 5:3