For example: 4 8 - 2 8
l l l l l l 1 You know that when we have a fraction without a whole number our fraction is going to be less than 1 whole. You also know that when showing a fraction on a number line like 4/6 we have to be sure of a few things. One is that our spaces are evenly divided into equal parts – in this case we have 6 equal parts. We want to identify 4/6 on this number line. Our number line is going to start at 0 and end at 1 also known as 6/6. We will show 4/6 by shading four spaces.
For example: 5 6 – 2 6 = 2 0 A common mistake that is usually made is that, when subtracting fractions, students will subtract the numerators and subtract the denominators not understanding how subtraction of fractions works. In doing this you are applying the rules for subtracting whole numbers. In this case you are subtracting fractions which are not whole numbers. This problem is asking you if you had 5/6 and you took away 2/6 from the 5/6 what would you have left? When we subtract using this area model we see that we are still left with 3/6 so it is not possible to be left with 2/0. 2/0 means that we have 0 or no equal parts and that we are choosing 2 parts from a fraction that has no equal parts.
4 6 - 1 6 = l l l l l l 1 4 6 l l l l l l 1 1 6 Now that we know how to represent a fraction on a number line, we are going to use this skill to subtract fractions with like denominators using a number line. Our problem is 4/6 – 1/6. We already represented 4/6 on a number line. What we need to represent on a second number line is 1/6. We will go through the same steps as before. Our number line is divided into 6 equal parts and the numerator tells us that the fraction is referring to 1 part so we will show 1 part shaded.
l l l l l l 1 3 6 In order to determine our difference we are going to lay 1/6 on our number line for 4/6 to show the difference. When we lay our fraction we see that we are left with three equal parts out of 6, or 3/6
4 8 - 2 8 = l l l l l l l l 1 4 8 l l l l l l l l 1 2 8 4/8 – 2/8 is another example that we are going to take a look at.
l l l l l l l l 1 2 8 4 8 - 2 8 = 2 8
Subtract 7 8 - 2 8 using a number line.
You need: two dice, record sheet Denominator Dice 1 – write 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8 Numerator Dice 2 – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 Two Player Game Goal: Create a subtraction problem to create the largest difference. Will need to change this around so that it is reader friendly.
Player 2 has the larger difference Example: Player 1: 4 6 - 3 6 = 1 6 Player 2: 5 8 - 2 8 = 3 8 Player 2 has the larger difference l l l l l l 1 l l l l l l l l 1 Players will take turns rolling the dice (3 times each) Player 1 Rolls a 2, Player 2 rolls a 5 they determine where they want to place their digits on their capture sheet. They continue to take turns. After three turns each they create their number line subtract then compare their solution to determine who has the largest difference. They can easily see who has the larger fraction by looking at the number lines drawn.
June solved her subtraction problem and ended up with an answer of 5 8 June solved her subtraction problem and ended up with an answer of 5 8 . What is the problem that June started with? Use a number line to show your problem. This problem is for those students who do not understand the concept of subtracting like denominators. There is more than one answer to this problem for those who easily find one solution.
Using a number line, solve 3 5 - 2 5 LearnZillion Notes: --”Quick Quiz” is an easy way to check for student understanding at the end of a lesson. On this slide, you’ll simply display 2 problems that are similar to the previous examples. That’s it! You won’t be recording a video of this slide and when teachers download the slides, they’ll direct their students through the example on their own so you don’t need to show an answer to the question.