Generation of definitive hematopoietic stem cells from murine early yolk sac and paraaortic splanchnopleures by aorta-gonad-mesonephros region–derived stromal cells by Sahoko Matsuoka, Kohichiro Tsuji, Hiroaki Hisakawa, Ming-jiang Xu, Yasuhiro Ebihara, Takefumi Ishii, Daisuke Sugiyama, Atsushi Manabe, Ryuhei Tanaka, Yasuo Ikeda, Shigetaka Asano, and Tatsutoshi Nakahata Blood Volume 98(1):6-12 July 1, 2001 ©2001 by American Society of Hematology
Generation of hematopoietic cells from 8 Generation of hematopoietic cells from 8.5 P-Sp cells cocultured with AGM-S3 cells.Small round cells were first detected on day 2 or 3 of culture (A, original magnification, × 200) and gradually increased by day 7 (B, original magnification, × 100). Generation of hematopoietic cells from 8.5 P-Sp cells cocultured with AGM-S3 cells.Small round cells were first detected on day 2 or 3 of culture (A, original magnification, × 200) and gradually increased by day 7 (B, original magnification, × 100). Sahoko Matsuoka et al. Blood 2001;98:6-12 ©2001 by American Society of Hematology
Expression of embryonic and adult hemoglobin by erythroid bursts and erythrocyte-containing mixed colonies derived from 8.5 dpc YS cells and their progenies cocultured with AGM-S3 cells for 4 days.Lane 1: an erythroid burst derived from 8.5 dpc YS cells. Expression of embryonic and adult hemoglobin by erythroid bursts and erythrocyte-containing mixed colonies derived from 8.5 dpc YS cells and their progenies cocultured with AGM-S3 cells for 4 days.Lane 1: an erythroid burst derived from 8.5 dpc YS cells. Lane 2: a hematopoietic mixed colony derived from 8.5 dpc YS cells. Lane 3: an erythroid burst derived from the cells cultured from 8.5 dpc YS cells on AGM-3 cells for 4 days. Lane 4: a hematopoietic mixed colony derived from the cells cultured from 8.5 dpc YS cells on AGM-3 cells for 4 days. Lane 5: a granulocyte/macrophage colony derived from 8.5 dpc YS cells. Lane 6: adult BM cells. Lane 7: 8.0 dpc YS cells. Sahoko Matsuoka et al. Blood 2001;98:6-12 ©2001 by American Society of Hematology
Hematopoietic reconstitution by 8 Hematopoietic reconstitution by 8.5 dpc P-Sp and YS cells cocultured with AGM-S3 cells.The percentages of Ly-5.2+ cells in B220+ cells (B), Thy-1+ cells (T), and Gr-1/Mac-1+ cells (M) were analyzed in PB of Ly-5.1 recipients engrafted with 8.5 dpc P-Sp (A) ... Hematopoietic reconstitution by 8.5 dpc P-Sp and YS cells cocultured with AGM-S3 cells.The percentages of Ly-5.2+ cells in B220+ cells (B), Thy-1+ cells (T), and Gr-1/Mac-1+ cells (M) were analyzed in PB of Ly-5.1 recipients engrafted with 8.5 dpc P-Sp (A) and YS cells (B) cocultured with AGM-S3 cells (Table 3) 12 weeks after transplantation. Sahoko Matsuoka et al. Blood 2001;98:6-12 ©2001 by American Society of Hematology
Expression of Ly-5.2 and Mac-1/Gr-1, B220, or Thy-1 on BM cells of Ly-5.1 recipients.(A) A recipient engrafted with the cells cultured from 8.5 dpc P-Sp cells of Ly-5.2 mouse embryo on AGM-S3 cells for 6 days. Expression of Ly-5.2 and Mac-1/Gr-1, B220, or Thy-1 on BM cells of Ly-5.1 recipients.(A) A recipient engrafted with the cells cultured from 8.5 dpc P-Sp cells of Ly-5.2 mouse embryo on AGM-S3 cells for 6 days. (B) A recipient engrafted with the cells cultured from 8.5 dpc YS cells of Ly-5.2 mouse embryo on AGM-S3 cells for 6 days. Sahoko Matsuoka et al. Blood 2001;98:6-12 ©2001 by American Society of Hematology
Expression of embryonic and adult hemoglobins by an erythroid burst and an erythrocyte-containing mixed colony from the Ly-5.2+ cells sorted from BM cells of Ly-5.1 mouse recipients successfully engrafted with the cells cultured from 8.5 dpc Ly-5.2 mouse YS... Expression of embryonic and adult hemoglobins by an erythroid burst and an erythrocyte-containing mixed colony from the Ly-5.2+ cells sorted from BM cells of Ly-5.1 mouse recipients successfully engrafted with the cells cultured from 8.5 dpc Ly-5.2 mouse YS cells on AGM-S3 cells for 6 days.Lane 1: an erythroid burst. Lane 2: a hematopoietic mixed colony. Lane 3: a granulocyte/macrophage colony. Lane 4: adult BM cells. Lane 5: 8.0 dpc YS cells. Sahoko Matsuoka et al. Blood 2001;98:6-12 ©2001 by American Society of Hematology
Hematopoietic reconstitution by 8 Hematopoietic reconstitution by 8.0 dpc P-Sp and YS cells cocultured with AGM-S3 cells.The percentages of Ly-5.2+ cells in B220+ cells (B), Thy-1+ cells (T), and Gr-1/Mac-1+ cells (M) were analyzed in PB of Ly-5.1 recipients transplanted with 8.0 dpc P-Sp (... Hematopoietic reconstitution by 8.0 dpc P-Sp and YS cells cocultured with AGM-S3 cells.The percentages of Ly-5.2+ cells in B220+ cells (B), Thy-1+ cells (T), and Gr-1/Mac-1+ cells (M) were analyzed in PB of Ly-5.1 recipients transplanted with 8.0 dpc P-Sp (A) and YS cells (B) cocultured with AGM-S3 cells (Table 5) 12 weeks after transplantation. Sahoko Matsuoka et al. Blood 2001;98:6-12 ©2001 by American Society of Hematology
Expression of Ly-5.2 and Mac-1/Gr-1, B220, or Thy-1 on BM cells of Ly-5.1 recipients.(A) A recipient engrafted with the cells cultured from 8.0 dpc P-Sp cells of Ly-5.2 mouse embryo on AGM-S3 cells for 6 days. Expression of Ly-5.2 and Mac-1/Gr-1, B220, or Thy-1 on BM cells of Ly-5.1 recipients.(A) A recipient engrafted with the cells cultured from 8.0 dpc P-Sp cells of Ly-5.2 mouse embryo on AGM-S3 cells for 6 days. (B) A recipient engrafted with the cells cultured from 8.0 dpc YS cells of Ly-5.2 mouse embryo on AGM-S3 cells for 6 days. Sahoko Matsuoka et al. Blood 2001;98:6-12 ©2001 by American Society of Hematology