Exoskeleton Hard, tough outer covering that provides framework and support Made of chitin
Endoskeleton Internal skeleton
Inner layer of cells in the gastula Develops into digestive tract Endoderm Inner layer of cells in the gastula Develops into digestive tract
Outer layer of cells in the gastula Ectoderm Outer layer of cells in the gastula Develops into outer coverings and the nervous system
Develops into skeletons and muscles Mesoderm Between the 2 -derms Develops into skeletons and muscles
Coelom Fluid filled cavity Provides open space inside of body
multiple body components Segmentation “put together” multiple body components
Animals with anterior (head) & posterior (tail) Cephalization Animals with anterior (head) & posterior (tail) Concentrate nervous and sensory organs at the anterior Development of a specialized head
Asymmetry Irregular shape Ex. Sponge
Radial symmetry Body plan in which parts repeat around an imaginary line drawn through the center Ex. Cnidarians (jellyfish)
Bilateral Symmetry Body plan in which left and right sides are identical when an imaginary line is drawn through the center Ex. Flatworm
Sponges Sessile: live entire adult life attached to a single spot Very simple: no mouth, no organ systems Rely on the movement of water through their bodies for respiration, circulation, and excretion
Cnidarians Soft-bodied, carnivorous, stinging tentacles Simplest animals to have body symmetry and specialized tissues
Platyhelminthes (Flatworms) Soft, flattened worms Simplest organisms to have cephalization
Nematoda (Roundworms) Unsegmented worms Have pseudocoeloms and digestive systems with two openings Many are predators Some act as parasites that affect humans
Mollusca Soft-bodied Usually have an internal or external shell Based on their shape, what is their symmetry?
Annelida (Segmented Worms) Worms with segmented bodies Have a true Based on their shape, what is their symmetry?
Arthropoda Have a segmented body, tough exoskeleton, jointed appendages Exoskeleton Hard, tough outer covering that provides framework and support Made of chitin
Arthropoda - Crustaceans Two pairs of antennae, and two or three body sections Have chewing mouthparts called mandibles
Arthropoda – Arachnids (Chelicerates) Have mouthparts called chelicerae Two body sections Nearly all have four pairs of walking legs Based on their shape, what is their symmetry?
Arthropoda - Insects Jaws One pair of antennae Three-part bodies head, thorax, abdomen legs attached to thorax
Echinodermata Sea Cucumber Sea Urchin Spiny skin Internal skeleton Water vascular system Suction-cup “feet” Sea Urchin