BOARD PROCESS REPORT TO B#115 Doc: ETSI/BOARD(17)115_006 Source: Board PROCESS Agenda item: 15.1 For: Decision BOARD PROCESS REPORT TO B#115 Isabelle Valet-Harper Board#115, 30 November 2017 © ETSI 2017. All rights reserved
BOARD PROCESS SCORECARD Targets 2017 Performance Continue to review the Normative Referencing process and bring proposals Continue the review of the ISG lifecycle and bring proposals Review the ENAP process as submitted by the Secretariat and NSOs Follow-up on the EN Internationalization options Follow-up on the PAS process implementation Any process matters as requested by the Board Any Initial investigation of process-related questions received from Members, and report to the Board. 2017 Current Status Year End Estimate Achievements Issues & Actions Review of STF funding guidelines Review of Coordination Groups related-changes to ETSI Directives Proposed changes to ETSI Directives for creating Open Areas on Docbox Proposed changes to ETSI Directives for clarifying the use of the term “official” Proposed changes to ETSI Directives for transferring the ISG activity to a TC Proposed changes to the ETSI Information Policy Proposed changes to the ETSI TB ToR template Proposed changes to the EN Approval Procedure PAS follow-up: HGI and CCC/Mirrorlink) PAS published Incentives for ISG Participants to become members (in progress) Incentives for attracting Cities to ETSI (in progress) Follow-up of Internationalization of ENs (in progress) Normative Referencing Target Leader/Driver: Isabelle Valet-Harper ETSI/BOARD(17)115_006