New Pedestrian Crossing Devices for California Wayne Henley Caltrans Division of Traffic Operations Beth Thomas District 4 Pedestrian Coordinator
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon For uncontrolled pedestrian crossings Blanket approval for CA from FHWA on Aug 10, 2011 Inform Caltrans Traffic Operations of location
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon Increases yield rates to between 74% and close to 100% (range of results from field test locations) Much more effective than standard beacons or in-roadway lights Found not to lose effectiveness over time Equal results 2 years out
Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon Does not have to meet signal warrants Relatively inexpensive About $10,000 per beacon $20,000 to $40,000 per crossing One on each side of street With median: one to two mounted there depending on width
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon In 2012 CA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Ch. 4F) Formerly called High-intensity Activated crossWalK (HAWK) Ped crashes reduced 69% All crashes down 29% Severe crashes down 15%
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Does not have to meet signal warrants Guidelines for use Based on posted speed, vehicles & peds per hour, crosswalk length
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Guidelines for use At least 100 feet from intersection FHWA likely to approve for intersections About $250,000 per location
Summary Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Significantly reduces crashes Higher Cost High-intensity locations (arterials) For now only mid-block, but likely to be approved for intersections Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon Significantly increases yield rates Low Cost Medium- to high-intensity locations Approved for intersection or mid-block crossings