Implementation of Bismuth and Carbon Using Layer by Layer Assembly 1 Implementation of Bismuth and Carbon Using Layer by Layer Assembly Trevor Yates, Junior, University of Cincinnati Adam McNeeley, Pre-Junior, University of Cincinnati William Barrett, Sophomore, University of Cincinnati GRA: Abhinandh Sankar AC: Dr. Anastasios Angelopoulos
Why is renewable energy important? 2 Why is renewable energy important? 1. 86.4% of the world’s energy supply is based around fossil fuels 2. At least millions of years for dead organisms to decompose and transform 3. Energy demand doubles every 14 years “By the year 2020, world energy consumption is projected to increase an additional 207 quadrillion (2.07 x 1017) BTUs. If the global consumption of renewable energy sources remains constant, the world’s available fossil fuel reserves will be consumed within 104 years.” - US Department of Energy, 2010
Purpose + Carbon-Bismuth Studies Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries 3 Purpose Carbon-Bismuth Studies Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries Vanadium Studies +
Introduction Basic Electrochemistry Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries 4 Introduction Basic Electrochemistry Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries Cyclic Voltammetry Standard and Directed Layer by Layer Assemblies Results and Interpretations
5 Electrochemistry The study of the flow of electrons in chemical reactions Redox Reactions Anode and Cathode Reaction Potentials
Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (VRFBs) 6 Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries (VRFBs) Two storage tanks with electrolyte solutions Pumped into cell stack Membrane Electrodes Pumped back into storage tanks
Cyclic Voltammetry Voltage Sweep Between two set values Current Peaks 8 Cyclic Voltammetry Voltage Sweep Between two set values Current Peaks Scan Rates Determined by user
Layer by Layer Standard Directed 9 Bismuth Bismuth Tin (Sn) Tin (Sn) Carbon Polymer Polymer Carbon Polymer
What we Have Learned... Polymer important for LbL NaOH wash helpful 10 What we Have Learned... Polymer important for LbL NaOH wash helpful Particles deteriorate Glovebox 4Bi + 3O2 2Bi2O3
11 8 Layers 4 Layers
12 8 Layers 4 Layers
13 No Carbon Carbon
14 Carbon No Carbon
15 First First Last Last
16 sLbL dLbL
Interpretations Carbon stabilizes the Bi 17 Interpretations Carbon stabilizes the Bi Increasing layers has positive effect sLbL more effective than dLbL Difficult to analyze Bi without Carbon
18 Timeline
19 Thank You NSF! Grant ID No. 0756921
20 References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
21 Questions?