How was No Pens Day for you?
Advantages and Disadvantages Split students in to discussion groups to discuss the benefits and disadvantages of having a day focussing on just speaking and listening. Encourage them to list what they enjoyed about the day, and what they found more challenging when they weren’t able to write things down. Following a short discussion, bring the groups back together as a whole to discuss the benefits and challenges of a day without writing.
What would make the day better? Discuss as a group how no Pens Day could be a better event? What could the teachers/pupils do differently next time that would make it more enjoyable as a day?
What have you learned about your own communication skills and the importance of communication? In pairs or small groups, ask students to reflect on what they’ve learned about their communication skills during the course of the day. How did they cope with listening without writing anything down? Was it difficult? Did they enjoy group discussions? Were they able to express themselves better when they were able to express their thoughts and ideas, instead of writing them down? Have they realised that writing can be a bit of a barrier for them?
Would you like to do it again? Take a vote – who’d like the school to run another no pens day Wednesday? (hands up/thumbs up/down) Ask some of the pupils if they’d be able to explain why they would/wouldn’t like the school to run another no pens day.