Objective/Goal: I can identify and use information that must be cited to correctly create a source card. SPI 3002.4.6 Identify and use information correctly that must be cited or attributed within a writing sample. * This is an important state standard because giving credit to the source prevents plagiarism, which is illegal and is an automatic (F) as a grade. Standard 4: Research This research project will cover the Holocaust: therefore, we will cover many aspects included in your social studies courses. Personal Connection
Source Card (for a book) Author or Editor of book Title of book Smith, Joe. How to Write a Research Paper. New York: Holt Publishing, 2000. Place of publication Date of publication Publisher
Source Card (for a book) Smith, Joe. How to Write a Research Paper. New York: Holt Publishing, 2000.
Source Card (for a Database) Title of article Author or editor Belanger, Jennifer. "Teenagers and Society." Postmodern Culture (1990). <http://www.north.edu/trn/issue.htm> (30 March 2001). Date of publication Web address Name of magazine or journal Date of access
Source Card (for a Database) Belanger, Jennifer. "Teenagers and Society." Postmodern Culture (1990). <http://www.north.edu/trn/issue.htm> (30 March 2001).
Source Card (for an Internet site) Author or editor Title of site Peterson, Joan. The Respectful Student. 2007. <http://www.faithful.com> (9 Mar. 2001). Date of Publication Date of access Web address
Source Card (for an Internet site) Peterson, Joan. The Respectful Student. 2007. <http://www.faithful.com> (9 Mar. 2001).
Objective/Goal: I can identify and use information that must be cited to correctly create a source card. APK – Personal Connection SPI 3002.4.6 Identify and use information correctly that must be cited or attributed within a writing sample. Standard 4: Research
In-Text Citations - In-text citations are used to show the reader the source that you got your information from. - It is also a way to give credit to the author from whom you got the work from. There are two types of notes you will take:Direct Quote- Information taken from a source exactly as it was written. Paraphrased Note- Information from a book, etc. put into your own words. Summary Note – Info taken from a longer source and shortened to meet your purpose.
In-Text Citation for a BOOK,INTERNET SITE, or DATABASE (with an author or an editor) (Smith 34) Author’s last name Page number(s) where the information was found
In-Text Citation for a BOOK,INTERNET SITE, or DATABASE (with an author or an editor) (Smith 34)
In-Text Citation for a WEBSITE, or DATABASE (without an author or an editor) (“Media”) First word of the title in quotes **If you have two titles with the same first word use the second word in the title as well. **If you have a title that starts with “the” or “a”, use the word that comes after it as well.
In-Text Citation for a WEBSITE, or DATABASE (without an author or an editor) (“Media”) **If you have two titles with the same first word _____________________________. **If you have a title that starts with “the” or “a”, ____________________________________.
Objective/Goal: I can identify and use information that must be cited to correctly create a source card. APK – Personal Connection SPI 3002.4.6 Identify and use information correctly that must be cited or attributed within a writing sample. Standard 4: Research
SENTENCE THAT IS CITED: EXAMPLE OF A SENTENCE THAT IS CITED: DIRECT QUOTE - "The percentage of children that play video games is eighty-five percent" (Smith 98). PARAPHRASED - Aliens were sited in Roswell, New Mexico during the 1980's (“Roswell”). SUMMARY - a full article in a magazine reduced to the main points in four to six sentences etc.
Some other tips… When using more than one author: Citations - (Smith and Jones 84) (Smith, Jones, and Watts 31) Works Cited – Smith, Joan and Jim Jones, Monica Watts. Using an editor: Smith, Joan ed. (put the “ed.” abbreviation for editor after their name)
The Works Cited page (MLA Format) Gives credit to the author(s) or editor(s) of the books, Internet or database sites that you used for your research. All entries in the Works Cited page must correspond to the works cited in your paper and vice versa.
What three types of information will I cite? APK – Personal connection Objective/Goal: I can identify and use information that must be cited to correctly create a source card. What three types of information will I cite? APK – Personal connection What is the purpose of source cards and a works cited?