Establishing Joint Latvian-Lithuanian TAST LLT Establishing Joint Latvian-Lithuanian TAST Rudolfs Azens State Fire and Rescue Service of Latvia
THE MAIN AIM To improve the effectiveness of systems for preventing and protecting against natural or man-made disasters on national and international level
OBJECTIVES Establish joint Latvian-Lithuanian TAST, to be deployed in EU CP interventions Facilitate reinforced cooperation between the Participating States in the field of preparedness in civil protection Exchange of information, experience, good practice and knowledge of parties involved in civil protection
PARTNERSHIP COORDINATOR – State Fire and Rescue Service of the Republic of Latvia BENEFICIARY– Fire and Rescue Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania
BUDGET Project budget: 283 827.00 EUR EC funding: 212 869.00 EUR --------------------------------------------- Lead partner budget: 142 838.00 EUR Project partner budget: 140 989.00 EUR
DURATION Duration of the project - 19 months Project started on the 1st of December 2013 Project will be done by 30th of June 2015
Management and reporting to European Commission MAIN TASKS 1/4 Management and reporting to European Commission Management structure Project legal background Reporting
Operational readiness of TAST MAIN TASKS 2/4 Operational readiness of TAST Equipment Personnel Documentation
Testing TAST performance MAIN TASKS 3/4 Testing TAST performance Internal trainings Study tour to Norway Practical exercise Real deployment
Dissemination of results and ensuring continuation MAIN TASKS 4/4 Dissemination of results and ensuring continuation Team web page Project media work Agreement
RESULTS 1/2 Establish joint Latvian-Lithuanian TAST and registering it in CECIS by June 2015 Development and implementation of SOP in compliance with the MIC operating procedures 20 persons from 2 national rescue services have passed common training, are certified and experienced TAST members and ready to interact within the team in coordinated manner and support EU CP modules in the field
RESULTS 2/2 The team tested in practical exercise The team has been possibly deployed to a real emergency The outcomes of the project have been discussed with MIC and other Member States and further steps on development of the multinational modules in the Baltic Sea region have been determined
Paldies! Thank you!