One Word
So, what is this? There are many smart people who believe that we are what we think about, or what we consciously turn our attention towards. This is similar to an athlete getting “pumped” for a game, narrowing her attention to the smallest detail of the game and blocking everything else out. It could be when you are doing something you love, and you are so in the moment that you feel like you are in a “zone.” We are going to begin our year with each of you choosing one word that you will consciously turn your attention towards.
PUNCTUAL “I’m ALWAYS late… ...not this year!”
BRAVE I’m so, so shy.
COMMITTED I want to be better.
FREE I worry about everything. I want to be free.
Your task... Each of you will choose one word to FOCUS on this year. *Create a small “poster” of your word to help keep you motivated! *On the back of your poster write one paragraph explaining why you chose your word and how you are going to accomplish your goal. *When you are finished with your poster, read a book quietly.