Better Together Event Friday 6th July 2018 Denise Elliott, Interim Head of Commissioning Gill O’Neill, Deputy Director Public Health
Content Mental health statistics Mental health governance Mental health strategic plan Mental health at scale Mental health promotion, prevention and wellbeing model Dementia
In County Durham: Over 6,500 children and young people aged 5-16 are estimated to have a mental health disorders Over 50,000 people have a common mental disorder 174 deaths from suicide and undetermined injury between 2014 and 2016 Over 121,000 people have a long-term health problem or disability
Facts about mental illness in children and young people
In County Durham we have… Over 6,500 children and young people aged 5-16 are estimated to have a mental health disorders Over 50,000 people have a common mental disorder 174 deaths from suicide and undetermined injury between 2014 and 2016
Mental health Plan on a page
Priorities Themed sub groups Cross Cutting themes Children and Young People Adults Health and Wellbeing Crisis Care Concordat Dementia Suicide Prevention Evidence based / intelligence led Workforce Good governance Stigma / discrimination Think Family
LGA Prevention at Scale Programme The offer 14 national pilot sites Areas assigned a Support Manager and an LGA Adviser Networking and masterclasses Areas will have up to 20 days expert support ‘Expertise’ can be as innovative as the LGA can procure peer-led/learning from elsewhere provided by the Support Manager procured through the LGA e.g. Design Council, Behavioural Insights; digital expertise External evaluation
Prevention at scale: Suicide Prevention We are a national outlier with higher rates in males in the lowest socio-economic groups Risks includes: History of self harm Men 45-49 are at greatest risk Social isolation, relationship breakdown, previous self-harm and depression Small numbers but big impact on families and the local community: 6 – 100 people impacted Opportunity to develop work across a number of settings and life course. Bring it all together
Mental Health at Scale Reducing death by suicide with a focus on workforce, young people and anti-stigma and discrimination Interventions build progressively from community level into work with specific target groups. Community can be both geographical and demographic. Behavioural insights: Inform interventions Design Council: Reframe the problem
Mental Health promotion, prevention and wellbeing model Key elements are: A life course approach defined as ‘Starting Well’, ‘Developing Well’, ‘Living Well’ ‘Working Well’ and ‘Ageing Well’ Outcomes related to promotion, prevention, early intervention and recovery (5 Ways to Wellbeing) Improved access -countywide hub and outreach model to deliver equitable access through community buildings, complemented by signposting and navigation along pathways to other services.
Mental Health Prevention Delivery Model and Pathways Care Recovery Preventation NETWORK Recovery Care Early Intervention Prevention Resilience Statutory/Specialist Mental Health Services Improving living skills Meaningful activities Support with finances Support with housing Support with mental health and stressful life events Specialist Targeted services Back to work/education Learning and Personal Development Primary Care Mental Health Services Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Relationships and social networks Staying Safe Physical health/activity Suicide Prevention MENTAL HEALTH PROMOTION/PREVENTION Countywide and local community services/opportunities WELLBEING CENTRES ONE POINT CENTRES Connect Give GP and Primary Care referral Self- Referral Or referral by family, friend or carer Other referring agencies Be active Learn Take notice
Commissioning 1st stage 2nd stage Reprocurement of Wellbeing for Life contract (completed) 2nd stage Extension of current Adults/Public Health contracts until March 2019 Review/prioritisation required in 18/19 linked to recovery work e.g. exploring current service provision, DCC in-house services (e.g. Support and recovery/Community Floating Support)
Implementation 3rd stage Wider workforce development- joint approach across the Mental Health Strategic Plan Engagement MH Provider and Stakeholder forum- continues to be a mechanism for engagement, networking and partnership working plus wider engagement through the Mental Health Strategic Partnership Board.
Dementia The Dementia Advisor Service continues to be proactive in supporting the establishment and development of Dementia Friendly Communities and works closely with the Durham Dementia Action Alliance. Dementia Friendly Communities across Co. Durham include: Barnard Castle, Bishop Auckland, Spennymoor, Shotley Bridge, Stanley, Sedgefield, Trimdon, Evenwood, West Rainton, Easington Colliery, Shotton, Murton, Haswell, Shildon and the recently launched Dementia Friendly Durham City.
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