What Does God Want of Me?.


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Presentation transcript:

What Does God Want of Me?

Really a question of: “Why are we here?”

What HAS God Expected of others? 1 Sam. 15:22 Jeremiah 7:21-28 Micah 6:6-8 Deut. 10:12-13

What CAN I Give God? Ps. 50:7-13 Isaiah 66:1-2 Acts 17:24,25

What DOES God Want of Me? He wants ME Must give MYSELF Rom. 12:1-2 Mt. 16:24-26; Gal. 2:20 2 Cor. 8:5

What Must I Do To Be Saved? Hear the gospel (Rom. 10:17) Believe Jesus is Christ (Acts 8:37) Repent of your sins (Luke 13:3) Confess your faith (Mt. 10:32) Baptized for remission of sins (Acts 2:38) Walk by faith in newness of life (Rom. 6:4)