AUGUST 14, 2017
Ticket In: How Can You Relate?
Learning Objective: By the end of today’s cluster meeting, teachers will identify essential standards for each grade level TAP Rubric Connection: Instruction: Standards and Objectives Descriptor: Expectations for student performance are clear, demanding, and high.
Review: Criteria for Essential Standards Endurance – skill that lasts over time Readiness – used for next level of learning Leverage – cross over application for other areas
WHY? PRIORITIZING & IDENTIFYING ESSENTIAL STANDARDS What are the common essential standards identified across each grade level? Teacher makes a statement Students whom the statement applies stand up (Take Off) Those to whom it does not apply remain seated All students esit down Steps are repated for the next question
Common Essential Standard Fluency was identified across all grade levels Reminders: The goal of this process is to determine what students must know, not what we prefer to teach. These are promise standards ~ this is a fluid process
Article A Practical Guide to Selecting “Just Right” Books for Independent Reading and Teaching Mastery of Multiplication (4th/5th Teacher) Focus Questions: -Why is fluency important? -How can you help students build fluency?
Ticket Out the Door If fluency is an essential standard, how will you teach it throughout the day?