Freedom Walkers The Story of the Montgomery Bus Boycott Russell Freedman
In this unit, you will Complete a reading guide before and after you read each of the three sections. These guides will be checked for a cumulative completion formative grade. Participate in whole class and group discussions after reading each section. Participation in these discussions counts toward the Skill and Strategies 2 formative grade. Complete three short writing assignments at the end of each section. These will be checked for a cumulative reading response summative grade. Write an informative essay relating to the book. A writing process formative grade and a writing summative grade will be taken.
In addition, you will Complete 2 cold read multiple-choice formatives covering reading comprehension and grammar skills. Analyze persuasive essays to determine how writers use persuasive tools effectively. Complete a nonfiction multiple-choice summative.
Genre and Structure This book is narrative nonfiction. What does this mean? The events of the book are told in the order in which they occurred. What text structure does it use?
Essential Question How can nonviolent protest be used to challenge injustice? Title your paper “Essential Question” and copy the question below it. As you read, add your thoughts.
Section I Introduction, Chapters 1 - 3
Purpose for Reading Read to discover what circumstances and events led to the Montgomery bus boycott. Title your paper “Section 1 Purpose for Reading” and copy the statement below it. As you read, list the circumstances and the events.
Write the question and then answer in complete sentences. QuickWrite Think about a time you observed someone being treated unfairly. Describe the situation. How might the person who was treated unfairly have felt at the time? Did anyone challenge the injustice? If so, how? If not, why not? Looking back, was there something that you might have done to challenge the unfair treatment?
Vocabulary Section 1
Academic Vocabulary significant part of speech - adj. definition - important; likely to matter or have influence The Fourth of July is a significant day in American history that is celebrated throughout the United States.
Key Vocabulary Use these sentences to help you complete the Section 1: Vocabulary activity (pg. 29 – the front side of the purple sheet). boycott - The United Farm Workers organized a boycott of grapes during the late 1960s to protest the poor working conditions of migrant farm workers discriminated – The judges discriminated against female contestants by repeatedly asking them more difficult questions than those asked of male contestants. reproach – The political party wanted to choose a candidate for president that was above reproach because the candidate would be subject to intense examination by the media. segregation – During World War II, Jews experienced segregation when they were forced to live in ghettos, or restricted areas. supremacy – Nelson Mandela challenged the rule of white supremacy in South Africa and became the country’s first black president.
During and After Reading Section 1(Chapters 1 – 3) Complete the questions on the purple sheets. Use additional sheets of paper for your answers as needed. Add your thoughts to your “Essential Question” page. List the events and circumstances that lead to the Montgomery bus boycott to your “Section 1 Purpose for Reading” page.
Section 2 Introduction, Chapters 4 - 6
Purpose for Reading Read to discover how the black community in Montgomery banded together to protect racial injustice. Title your paper “Section 2 Purpose for Reading” and copy the statement below it. As you read, list the circumstances and the events.
Academic Vocabulary strategy part of speech - n. definition – a well thought out plan to reach a goal During track practice, the relay runners discussed their strategy for winning the race with their coach.
Key Vocabulary Use these sentences to help you complete the Section 2: Vocabulary activity (pg. 34 – the front side of the pink sheet). balked - Although, at first, Taylor went along with his friend’s prank, he later balked and wouldn’t make any more crank phone calls. eminent – The speaker who gave the lecture on the Hubble Space Telescope was an eminent scientist in the field of astronomy. intimidate – The guard dogs barking at the entrance were meant to intimidate visitors and keep them away from the estate. prominent – The President of the United States and other prominent guests in the audience had front-row seats for the theatrical performance. retaliation – Matt accidentally hit the batter with his curve ball, and he knew when it was his turn at bat, the other team’s pitcher would deliberately try to hit him in retaliation.
During and After Reading Section 2 (Chapters 4-6) Complete the questions on the section 2 sheets. Use additional sheets of paper for your answers as needed. Add your thoughts to your “Essential Question” page. List the ways in which the black community in Montgomery banded together to protect racial injustice to your “Section 2 Purpose for Reading” page.