PEE means Point Evidence Explain. P E E on your Page! PEE means Point Evidence Explain.
POINT This is your comment on a feature of the text. It should link to the task/question you have been asked. E.g. How does the author build tension at the beginning of the text? Your point should highlight one way he does this.
POINT POINT: Kennett builds tension at the beginning by using short sentences that show the fear in a character called Richard.
Evidence Your evidence should be a quote from the text that supports your point. This means it should be an example of the feature you have identified. The quote must be in quotation marks and be exactly the words used in the text.
EVIDENCE Kennett writes, “Richard swore. His hand tightened on the stick. He swallowed.”
EXPLAIN This is where you analyse the quote. You must explain what the effect is, how it achieves this effect and why this effect works.
EXPLAIN These sentences make the reader pause and convey Richard’s fear because he’s obviously panicked when he swears. In addition, gripping a weapon and swallowing indicates fear and anxiety, making the reader anticipate something ominous.
P E E Put them together! Kennett builds tension at the beginning by using short sentences that show the fear in a character called Richard. Kennett writes, “Richard swore. His hand tightened on the stick. He swallowed.” These sentences make the reader pause and convey Richard’s fear because he’s obviously panicked when he swears. In addition, gripping a weapon and swallowing indicates fear and anxiety, making the reader anticipate something ominous. 430 characters