American Political Parties Political Process Unit 3 Lesson 1
The Two Party System George Washington, our first President, hoped that parties would not develop Washington’s Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and his Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton had major differences of opinion and the supporters of each man formed parties around their ideas Political Party: association of voters with broad, common interests who want to influence or control decision making in govt. by electing members of their party Thomas Jefferson v. Alexander Hamilton
The Two Party System Today During most of American history there have been two major political parties, other parties have seldom won; US is said to have a two party system The Constitution says nothing about political parties Hamilton’s party wanted a stronger national govt. Jefferson’s party wanted the states to have more power Today the two major parties are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party
Third Parties Sometimes people feel they don’t fit into either of the two major parties so they form “third parties” No third party has ever won a Presidential election and rarely win other elections Third parties can effect the outcome of an election by bringing up new issues and drawing votes away from the major party candidates Famous third parties in American political history include the Populist Party, the Progressive Party, the Reform Party, and the Green Party Ralph Nader, Green Party Presidential candidate in 2000
Types of Third Parties Single Issue Parties: party arises not to win elections but to promote a social, economic, or moral issue; most famous is Prohibitionist Party; most fade away when then the issue is no longer important or a major party takes their idea Ideological Parties: focus on changing society in major ways, usually by changing the size of govt.; Communist Party, Libertarian Party Independent Candidates: party arises around a well-known individual who cannot get the support of a major party John Anderson, 1980
Other Party Systems Third parties struggle in the US because they lack organization, tradition, money, and the winner take all system In many other countries there are lots of major parties; Canada has 3, Germany 5, Israel more than 20; often forces parties to work together One party system: the party and the government are nearly the same thing; China only allows Communist candidates to run for office Iran is a theocracy, Muslim religious leaders rule the country Chinese Leaders