AASHTO Innovation Initiative I’d like to speak about two related subjects today: The AASHTO Technology Implementation Group’s national promotion of Maintenance Decision Support Systems for winter highway maintenance; A multi-state Pooled Fund Study that is developing and refining an operational MDSS. I head the Office of Operations Support at South Dakota DOT. Dave Huft, who heads our Office of Research, is a member of the TIG and is the project manager for the Pooled Fund Study. He has to be in Minneapolis for another meeting today, but will return here tomorrow. Dave Huft, SDDOT AASHTO Research Advisory Committee Wichita, KS, July 24, 2018
Origin of AII Originally Technology Implementation Group Post-SHRP1 implementation effort 1st meeting December, 2000 Reported to Standing Committee on Highways Immediate ties to RAC Joe Denault, WV Chair
TIG Vision & Mission …a culture where rapid advancement and implementation of high payoff, innovative technologies is the expectation of the transportation community …to identify and champion the deployment and implementation of a select few ready-to-use technologies, products, or processes that are likely to yield significant benefits to the transportation community
TIG Role in Innovation
TIG Process Identify & Solicit “Ready to Use” Technologies Select High-Payoff Focus Technologies Provide Leadership to Promote & Support Implementation Create Lead States Teams Fund Outreach Conferences Showcases Workshops Marketing Brochures Manuals Multimedia Webinars
Current Focus Technologies Pedestrian Gateway Treatment Wrong Way Driver (WWD) Detection Systems Interactive Visualization Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strands e-Construction Project PS&E Collaborative Review Watershed Resources Registry
AASHTO Innovation Initiative Renamed May, 2014 SHRP2 Implementation EDC STIC Not all innovation comes from implementation of formal research
AII in New Committee Structure
TIG Exec Committee Membership Mark Van Port Fleet, MI Dallas Hammit, AZ Binh Bui, GA Tommy Nantung, IN Chris Herrick, KS Valerie Edgar, MD Brian Thompson, PA Dave Huft, SD Shane Marshall, UT Garrett Moore, VA Chad Clawson, AASHTO Thomas Harman, FHWA Brian Roberts, NACE Len Sanderson, PB Mike Stenko, TRANSPO Waseem Dekelbab, TRB
TIG Funding AASHTO Technical Services Program +Alaska FHWA $6,000/state 37 states FY18 FHWA $200,000 (as of May 2018) +Alaska
AII Roles EDC/STIC Support State Innovations Suggest technologies Evaluate STIC Award nominations Apply lead state concept when appropriate Solicit innovations from states (traditional role)
Technology Nomination Form This is the nomination form from the website
Proposed Role: Innovation Clearinghouse Web-based, database driven tool Clearinghouse of innovative ideas DOTs AASHTO FHWA TRB Active links to state and national websites of research & business needs Community of Practice for informal engagement ~40 innovation & research staff so far
Proposed Role: Innovation Clearinghouse Unstructured List of Innovations from State DOT Users Structured List of Innovations from AASHTO/TRB/DOTs Innovations from Domestic & International Scans User Rating Expert Review Innovation Clearinghouse Unstructured List of Innovations from State DOT Users Links to Business & Research Needs from State DOTs, FHWA, National Organizations
Innovation Community of Practice http://www.intrans.iastate.edu/events/innovations/
vs. or & ? Research Stereotype Innovation Stereotype Slow Methodical Incremental Expensive Immediate Ingenious Revolutionary Cheap, cost-saving
Stereotypes Can Be Dangerous We Must Consider SD Pavement Examples Value of Rigor & Documentation Long-Term Effects Range of Conditions Level of Risk Do you remember “Ready-Fire-Aim”? Full-Depth Asphalt Thin Concrete Lime Treated Base
Questions for You Which of AII’s proposed roles will serve your DOT? What changes would you suggest to AII’s role? How could AII better inform you? How can AII actively engage more states? Should RAC have a stronger role in AII? How can Research and Innovation thrive in our DOTs?
Summary AASHTO TIG and AII have supported innovation and implementation for 18 years Major changes in organization and role are in progress now Now is a time of great need challenge opportunity RAC and your state can play in this game
Questions? http://aii.transportation.org Dave Huft Research Program Manager South Dakota DOT 700 East Broadway Avenue Pierre, SD 57501-2586 Phone: 605.773.3358 Fax: 605.773.4870 dave.huft@state.sd.us http://aii.transportation.org