After you eat how long does it take for the stomach to empty? Interesting Digestive System Facts After you eat how long does it take for the stomach to empty? Within 2-6 hours, all food is emptied into the small intestine.
How many pounds of food does the average person eat in a year? 1,100
How many feet long are your intestines? about 20-30 ft long.
NOTES – DIGESTIVE SYSTEM ANATOMY Oral Cavity mouth, pharynx, esophagus
MOUTH SALIVARY GLANDS – produce saliva
Saliva Components Mostly water – about 99.5% SALIVARY AMYLASE – digests starch LYSOZYME – antibacterial action MUCIN – lubricant chewing and saliva with food form a BOLUS
PHARYNX common area for food and air prevents food from entering the trachea (wind pipe) Epiglottis
ESOPHAGUS transports bolus from pharynx to stomach involuntary muscular movement of food - PERISTALSIS
STOMACH a storage & mixing chamber secretions mucus hydrochloric acid (HCl) HCl activates pepsinogen to pepsin which is main enzyme that digests protein
movement mixing waves - peristalsis bolus becomes chyme
SMALL INTESTINE parts: duodenum, jejunum, ileum Function: digestion and absorption intestinal juice – water & mucus epithelial cells have digestive enzymes to digest ALL classes of food
LIVER performs many functions – main blood filter in digestive system in digestion it secretes BILE into the gall bladder the gall bladder then dumps bile into small intestine
bile EMULSIFIES fats – breaks fat into smaller pieces – easier for fat digesting enzymes to do their work Normal liver fatty liver Cirrhosis of the liver
PANCREAS pancreatic enzymes are important for the digestion of all major classes of food four enzymes and bicarbonate all are dumped into small intestine
LARGE INTESTINE Parts: ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon chyme is converted to feces absorption of water & salts E. coli bacteria synthesizes vitamin K