Marin-Curtis Safe Routes to School Pedestrian Improvements Project.
The Need for the Project Provide protection for pedestrians around schools Intersection improvements west of Marin Elementary were completed in 2012 thanks to a Safe Routes to School grant. The east side of Marin Elementary needs improvements: Sidewalks uplifted and too narrow to accommodate the flow of pedestrian traffic during school bell times. There are more than 50 pedestrian crossings of Marin at Curtis during 30 minutes before bell times in the AM. Marin Avenue is 60' wide Support of Safe Routes to School Educational Program
The Project Construction cost estimate is $724,000 -$419,000 for plan development and construction and $9,000 for educational purpose -Matching funds from the Albany Unified School District ($25,000) and other local sources, such as Gas Tax, pass through funds. -Plans are finalized and project is scheduled to be implemented in the summer of 2016. This project is the last of three Safe Routes to School projects around schools that have been implemented in the last 10 years: -Improvements at Ocean View Elementary (2007), $785,000. -Marin Santa Fe: Improvements on the west side of Marin Elementary (2013) $900,000 -Marin Curtis (Current): East side of Marin Elementary $724,000
Need More Information? Project Construction Wen Chen At 510 524-3751 Project Planning Aleida Andrino-Chavez at 510 528-5751