Welcome to Year 1 Through Christ we believe, inspire, achieve. 19th September 2016
Who are we? Mrs Blackledge Y1A Mrs Sothern Y1B Mrs Jones Mrs Rimmer
General Information Timetable PE Wednesday. Kit in school all the time especially after clubs Class rewards – dojo / star of the week Traffic lights Homework – Fridays spellings and talk / ideas homework Termly topics: Autumn Moods, Spring Explore, Summer Challenge. Summer term trip to Knowsley Safari Park
End of Topic Dates Wednesday 28th September Y2 Parents invited Wednesday 12th October Harvest Wednesday 9th November Y1 Parents invited Wednesday 7th December Y1 Christmas Assembly Wednesday 1st February Y2 Parents invited Wednesday 1st March Y1 Parents invited Wednesday 29th March Y2 Parents invited Wednesday 17th May Y1 Parents invited Wednesday 21st June Y2 Parents invited Wednesday 12th July Y1 Parents invited
Age related expectations Reading (including phonics/spelling) ay ou ie ea oy ir ue aw wh ph ew oe au a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e E.g night, rain, dream, would, first, talk, toe, blue, Writing. Letter formation / spellings / sentence punctuation. Sentence dictations. Mathematics
Supporting your child’s learning at home Ensure home task book and reading folder in school everyday. Links to relevant websites: www.englishmartyrs.co.uk www.bbc/bitesize/ks1 www.teachyourmonstertoread.com alphablocks (you tube) Suggested age related reading lists Daily reading Spellings