Industrialization and Nationalism Chapter 19
The Industrial Revolution Section 1 The Industrial Revolution In Great Britain begins in the 1780s Factors to make GB the starting point Agrarian revolution in 1700s changed agricultural practices Growth in population Had ready money supply, capital, to invest in machines and factories Plentiful natural resources Supply of markets
Cotton production Inventions made weaving faster Spinning jenny and water powered loom A improved steam engine (steam power)
Coal and Iron industries Fuel depended on coal Increasing steam power expanded coal production New processing using coal aided the iron industry Natural resource of iron ore Better quality of iron from new technique puddling
New factories Railroads Use of new machines at a constant rate Regular working hrs and repetitive tasks Railroads Important to the success of the Industrial Rev. Steam locomotives – 1st Railroads created new jobs, less expensive transportation
The Industrial Revolution would spread to other European countries as well as America Working conditions varied from social classes
Reaction and Revolution Section 2 Reaction and Revolution Forces of Change Between 1815 and 1830, conservative gov’ts throughout Europe worked to maintain the old order Liberalism and nationalism worked towards change
Liberals (1) believed in civil rights Liberalism People should be as free as possible from gov’t restraint Liberals (1) believed in civil rights (2) wanted religious toleration for all (3) separation of Church and State (4) demanded the right of peaceful opposition to the gov’t (5) favored a gov’t ruled by a constitution (6) did not believe in democracy
Nationalism Even more power change Arose when people began to identify themselves as part of a community defined by a distinctive language, common institution, and customs Nationalists believed each nationality should have its own gov’t Gave the idea to nations they should govern themselves Used liberalism as a strong ally
Liberalism and nationalism began to break through the conservative domination of Europe France—liberals overthrew monarch—1830 Belgium—nationalists rebelled and created independent state— 1830 Poland and Italy tried to break free from foreign power but unsuccessful—1830
Nationalism and Reform in Europe Section 3 Nationalism and Reform in Europe Great Britain became more liberal France, Austria and Russia grew more authoritarian GB managed to avoid revolutionary upheavals by passing reforms that helped the country remain stable Governments
France—1848 moved toward the restoration of the monarchy New empire was authoritarian, emperor controlled the gov’t, controlled armed forces, police and civil service Distracted public from their loss of political freedom, he focused on expanding the economy Eventually emperors economic and governmental policies arose Eventually the empire fell
The Austrian Empire Nationalism presented problems in this empire Because empire contained many different ethnic groups and were campaigning for independence Revolutions were crushed but outside forces required Austrians to make concessions to the Hungarians Compromise of 1867 created a dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. This would not satisfy all nationalists in the Austro-Hungarian Empire
Russia Beginning of 19th century the country was rural, agricultural, and autocratic, divine-right monarch w/unlimited power Gov’t was facing challenges Country was falling behind other western European powers 1st attempt to change society was a emancipation that freed serfs: Gave land to peasants—left many starving cause the land given to them was not suitable for farming **Russia would remain stuck in their old methods because of poor czar leadership**
U.S.A. Fought over division of power in the new gov’t Federalists and Republicans Ended w/the War of 1812 Slavery became a threat to American unity For and abolitionism Southern states would secede from the union Civil War 1861-1865 North won unifying the nation National Unity