Thermo-chemical Processing of करंजा Oil P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi Make the Oil Fit for Use in Readily Available Engines….
Raw Vegetable Oil Chemistry C63 H122O6 C3 H5O3
History of Non-edible Vegetable Oils Traditional Indians used non-edible oils for making soaps and lighting lamps. The first public demonstration of peanut oil based diesel fuel was at the 1900 World’s Fair. Rudolph Diesel later did extensive work on vegetable oil fuels and became a leading proponent of such a concept. Diesel believed that farmers could benefit from providing their own fuel. Shortly after Diesel’s death in 1913 fossil Diesel became widely available at low cost.
1970s Global Warming Triggered Cycling of Combustion Generated CO2 Belgian inventor in 1937 who first proposed using transesterification to convert vegetable oils into fatty acid alkyl esters. He proved that these esters can be easily used in diesel engines. The process of transesterification converts vegetable oil into three smaller molecules which are much less viscous and easy to burn in a diesel engine. Biodiesel became trade name fatty acid methyl esters in the early 1980s.
Straight Vegetable Oil Chemistry A vegetable oil molecule is known as a triglyceride molecule. Three nearly straight fatty acid chains end at Three Carbon double bonds. A molecule with multiple Carbon double bonds tends to be more reactive under heated conditions than a molecule containing fewer or no double bonds.
Metathesis reactions for Molecular Cracking Also called Double-replacement reactions.
Transesterification process CH2-OOC-R1 catalyst R1-COOR CH2OH CH2-OOC-R2 + 3ROH ↔ R2-COOR + CH2OH CH2-OOC-R3 R3-COOR CH2OH Triglyceride Alcohol Esters (Bio-diesel) Glycerol C63 H122O6 R1, R2, R3, are long chain alkyl group R short chain alkyl group Transesterification of triglycerides with alcohol. During the esterification process, the triglyceride is reacted with alcohol in the presence of a catalyst, usually a strong alkali (NaOH, KOH, or Alkoxides).
Flow Chart : Catalyzed trans-esterification process of vegetable oil Condenser Water in Water out Methanol Recovery Methanol NaOH Mixture Reactor Vegetable oil Separator Glycerol Crude Biodiesel Water washing Biodiesel Pure Biodiesel Water removal
Diagram of the Small Capacity biodiesel Reactor Motor Heater Thermostat Temperature indicator Stand Oil+Alchohol + NaOH Water Biodiesel Air Valve
Research Biodiesel reactor (~1000 ml capacity)
Separating unit : Bio-diesel & Glycerin
Water washing of biodiesel
Effect of the sodium hydroxide (NaOH) on biodiesel yield and viscosity
Effect of methanol quantity on biodiesel yield and viscosity
Corrected optimal values by changing the reaction time Optimal Values For Biodiesel Production Temperature (oC) Base (g) Methanol (ml) Time (hr) Viscosity (cSt) % Yield 65 2 72 2.5 3.70 99 Corrected optimal values by changing the reaction time
Viscosity Testing For Karanja, Biodiesel And Diesel S No Name of the oils Temperature (0c) Viscosity (cst) Remarks 1 Karanja oil 40 60 80 20.5 13.2 10.0 With increase of temperature ,viscosity decreases and more bright and lighter 2 Bio-diesel 5.2 4.4 3.8 Darkness decrease in increase of temperature 3 Diesel 4.9 3.8 3.6 More bright in increase of temperature
Engine Testing with Various Bio-diesels
Engine Test Set-up
Specification of the Rural Engine Type Single cylinder, four stroke, air cooled and direct injection Diesel engine with bowl-piston combustion chamber. Model Kirlosker TAF1 Model Bore 87.5mm Cubic capacity 661.5 cc Piston Bowl diameter 52 mm Compression ratio 17.5:1 Engine speed 1500 rpm (max) Inlet valve diameter 34 mm Exhaust valve diameter 34 mm
Engine Testing With Karanjia Bio-diesel
Effect on brake thermal efficiency of brake power
Specific fuel consumption Vs brake power
Generation of unburned hydrocarbon Emissions Generation of photochemical smog eye and respiratory irritation in humans Epinasty, chlorosis, curling, leaf abscission and growth retardation in plans
Generation of Carbon dioxide CO2 emissions by Biodiesel is renewable…..
Effect on exhaust NOX emission of brake power
Exhaust Smoke Opacity Vs Brake power
Additional Features of Bio-diesel S/no Name of oils CV Mi/kg Viscosity at 400c (cst) Specific gravity (mg/ml) Flash point (0C) Fire point (0C) Cloud point (0C) Pour point (0C) 1 Karanja oil 36.00 20.18 0.921 230 270 _ 2 Bio-diesel 38.02 4.7 0.875 185 225 21 8 3 Diesel 43.47 4.2 0.825 135 150
Additional Positive Features of Karanja Bio-diesel S/no Name of oils CV Mi/kg Viscosity at 400c (cst) Specific gravity (mg/ml) Flash point (0C) Fire point (0C) 1 Karanja oil 36.00 20.18 0.921 230 270 2 Bio-diesel 38.02 4.7 0.875 185 225 3 Diesel 43.47 4.2 0.825 135 150
Additional Positive Features of Jatropha Bio-diesel S/no Name of oils CV Mi/kg Viscosity at 400c (cst) Specific gravity (mg/ml) Flash point (0C) Fire point (0C) 1 Jatropha oil 39.66 14.6 0.905 209 326 2 Bio-diesel 36.29 4.06 0.865 185 217 3 Diesel 43.47 4.2 0.825 135 150
Additional Positive Features of Linceed Bio-diesel S/no Name of oils CV MJ/kg Viscosity at 400c (cst) Specific gravity (mg/ml) Flash point (0C) Fire point (0C) 1 Linceed oil 39.20 29.4 0.903 231 244 2 Bio-diesel 40.13 3.85 0.850 163 176 3 Diesel 43.47 4.2 0.825 135 150
Comparison of Properties of Different Bio-diesels. S/no Name of oils CV MJ/kg Viscosity at 400c (cst) Specific gravity (mg/ml) Flash point (0C) Fire point (0C) 1 Linceed 40.13 3.85 0.850 163 176 2 Jatropha 36.29 4.06 0.865 185 217 3 Karanjia 38.02 4.7 0.875 225
Consultation on Energy Technologies for Rural Industrialization Bio Diesel-Production by Rural Entrepreneurs Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialization Wardha 29th – 31st December 2005