Motif 1 Motif 3 Motif 6 Motif 2 Motif 5 Motif 4 Motif 4 Motif 1 Supplementary Figure S2. Amino acid sequence alignment of the five members of the Arabidopsis PAR1-family proteins (LAT1-5) shows a number of conserved regions and motifs throughout the protein sequence. Motifs were identified using Multiple Em for Motif Elicitation online tool ( with the default settings except that the number of motif to be identified was changed from 3 to 6. Motifs in Arabidopsis LATs were searched along with related LAT and/or Y+LAT members from Oryza sativa, Homo sapiens, and Mus Musculus. Sequence alignment was carried out using Vector NTI 10 AlingX tool.