ACTION POINTS (No. 211): Use fewer paper and plastic products – e.g. use a re-usable water bottle Reduce water consumption – e.g. take shorter showers, wash dishes by hand, etc. Reuse instead of disposing Recycle Don’t cook more than you can consume
In buying something, ask: Do I really need it. Can I live without it In buying something, ask: Do I really need it? Can I live without it? Or to be more conscious of eco-justice issues in purchasing an item, we should ask: Where was this item made? What conditions produced it? What wages were paid to those who made it?)
Conserve electricity – e. g Conserve electricity – e.g. turn off lights and buy energy-efficient appliances Plant trees Consider putting up solar panels, etc.
Instead of disposing biodegradable waste, we need to learn how to make use of our wastes (against the throw-away culture) for better use, e.g. BOKASHI There are many more ways to practice caring for our common home. It depends much on our creativity.
How do we live sustainably?
“There is enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed.” - Mahatma Gandhi
from HAVING more to BEING more To live sustainably is to live more simply! from HAVING more to BEING more