THE BACK GROUND OF THE UT Dadra and Nagar Haveli - liberated on 2nd August- 1954 from Portugal and merged with the Indian Union on the 11th August-1961. Total Village Panchayat - 11 Municipal Council - 01 Total villages - 72 Habitation - 589 Government Primary Schools 1. Primary - 188 2. Upper Primary - 82 Govt. aided Primary schools - 08 Govt. aided Up Pr schools - 04 Medium wise number of Schools; 1. Gujarati - 194 2. Marathi - 79 3. English - 08 4. Hindi - 01 Total……. 282
Broad Socio Economic Indicators: Date of liberation from Portuguese rule : 2nd August, 1954 Date of integration in the Indian Union : 11th August, 1961 Geographical area : 491 Total Population : 3,42,853(Census 2011) Male : 1,93,178 Female : 1,49,675 Urban Population : 1,59,829 Rural Population : 1,83,024 No. of districts : 1 Density of population : 698 per Decennial growth rate (2001-11) : 55.50 Sex ratio ( No. of females per : 775 Thousand males) Birth rate : 21.98% Death rate : 3.97% Literacy rate : 77.65% Male – 86.46% & Female-65.93%
SCHOOL COVERED AND STUDENTS BENEFITTED UNDER MDM No. of School Class Enrolment of students No. of students Benefited Primary 282 I – V 32445 24217 (74.64%) Upper Primary 86 VI - VIII 17663 12630 (71.50%) Total 50108 36847 (73.53%)
MONITORING AND EVALUATION Department has constituted one monitoring committee with all female elected representatives for regular time bound monitoring; For surprise checks/visits on any complaints, flying squads is set up by involving the AEO and CRC’s with one parent representatives;Monitori and evaluation of Mid Day Meal Scheme in due course.
Up to December 2011 Hot Cooked Meal was being provided to the students, prepared in school. By preparing in the school, at least two teachers were engaged only for preparing and monitoring the Mid Day Meal; On trial basis, since January 2012 onwards, an NGO has been appointed to provide Hot Cooked Meal in all schools by setting a central kitchen.
ALLOCATION AND EXPENDITURE UNDER MDM UP TO 31.03.2012 Sr.No. Component Budget Allocation Released Utilization Un-utilised 1. Food Grains ( Rice) for Primary stage (Std. I – V ) 556.01 M.Ts. 516.33 M.Ts. 39.68 M.Ts.* 2. Food Grains ( Rice) for Upper Primary stage (Std. VI – VIII ) 316.14 M.Ts. 360.68 M.Ts. -- 3. Cost of Food Grain. 49.27 lakh 40.32 Lakh 31.77 lakh 8.55 lakh** 4. Cooking Cost. 343.94 lakh 294.23 Lakh 301.16 lakh 6.93 lakh*** 5. Transportation Assistance 6.54 lakh 2.55 Lakh 1.70 lakh 0.85 lakh 6. M.M.E. 5.11 lakh 2.91 Lakh 2.91 lakh 7. Honorarium to Cook-cum-Helper. 160.20 lakh 137.18 Lakh 83.76 lakh 53.42 lakh@ * The extra requirement of food grains in Upper primary has been adjusted from the un-utilised food grains available from Primary allocation; Further food grains of 4.86 MT was required which has been met by the NGO in the last quarter; ** The FCI has not yet raised the final bill and hence balance is shown; *** The extra amount spent has been used from the normal budget of the Primary education; @ The honorarium for Cook cum Helper has been paid up to March 2012. However, the UT share was more than requirement which shall be adjusted subsequently.
PROPOSAL FOR 2012-13 26130 13942 40072 Sr. No Details No of school Target Children No of working days 1 Primary 283 26130 220 2 Upper primary 86 13942 Total 40072
ALLOCATION OF FOOD GRAINS 2012-13 Sr.No. Stage No of Children No of working days Quantity in MTs 1 Primary 26130 220 574.86 2 Upper primary 13942 460.08 Total 40072 1034.94
BUDGET PROVISION FOR THE YEAR 2012-13 Component Primary Upper Primary Grand total Central Share State Share Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cost of Food grain 32.80 26.25 59.05 Cooking Cost 133.94 180.51 314.45 107.05 112.87 219.92 534.37 Honorarium to Cook-cum-Helper 46.43 64.22 110.65 12.30 17.05 29.35 140.00 Transportation Assistance 4.31 0.00 3.45 7.76 MME 8.32 5.02 13.34 Kitchen-cum-Store 173.63 57.88 231.51 92.62 30.87 123.49 355.00 Kitchen Devices 6.00 4.00 10.00 405.43 302.61 708.04 250.69 160.79 411.48 1119.52
Proposal for MME Shall appoint an External monitoring and evaluation agency for third party inspection; Recruitment of District Coordinator; Recruitment of Data Entry Operator/Computer Operator; Training to cook cum helpers; Purchase of furniture; Purchase of kitchen devices such as plates, glasses, mats etc.