NARUC Winter Committee Meetings February 2015 LIFELINE: Where do we stand with the reforms and what's next? A rural perspective NARUC Winter Committee Meetings February 2015
Initial Enrollment: Let the Experts Handle It Social service agencies are in the best position to enroll Lifeline customers Reduce potential for ineligible Lifeline customers Coordinated enrollment increases efficiency Permit ETCs to focus on telecommunications Rural ETCs are spending more money on Lifeline administration per subscriber than they are receiving in reimbursements Retain privacy in small communities
Audit Findings: Education is Key to Compliance Audit findings generally occur because staff managing the Lifeline program don’t know/understand the rules In person trainings and workshops Guidance communicated in the language of the intended audience
USAC Recertification: A Step in the Right Direction Reduces the burden on small carriers by taking on the responsibility High de-enroll/return rate Many people don’t know USAC Letter and form not in “clear, easy to understand language” Work with industry/social service agencies to enhance the process
Tanea Davis Foglia John Staurulakis, Inc. 301-459-7590