Author:Dean polimac Team Serbia 2 Invent-Chemistry Author:Dean polimac Team Serbia 2
Topic: chemistry of potatoes Topic: chemistry of potatoes. The ‘life’ of one potato tuber, from its growth in soil, to storage, and finally to human use such as boiling or production of chips, is a lengthy chain of chemical processes. Select and study one or several links of this chain.
Reporter Pros Cons Energy Mailards reaction Formulas No formulas Amylose and amylopectin Experiment
Suggestions for reporter Explain reactions better
Opponent Pros Cons Good questions Little aggressive Great discussion Didn’t ask about amylose and amylopectin Asked about formulas Didn’t ask about M. reaction Ask about phreaction
suggestions for opponent More asking about important formulas Ask about another phenomena and light spectrum
Discussion It was good Opponent asked about some details and about some reactiobnns but not about all of them Reporter answer on all questions and explain iodine reaction really well
Thank you for your attention