Guiding Local Assessment Practices: Challenges and Decisions Marcella Franczkowski, MD Part C & Section 619 Tom Stengel, MD Part C Phyllis Mondak, VA Section 619 Sharon Ringwalt, MSRRC & NECTAC Measuring Child and Family Outcomes--2010
What are the issues? What do we hear from states? Why assess? How might assessment tools be used? What are other sources of information? Who conducts assessments?
Additional issues What are the advantages of one tool, of a limited list of tools, of a wide array? For the State For local programs/providers For children and families How do you select which tool(s) to use? With what criteria? With whose input? What is the role of State staff?
Poll Question 1 What has been your state’s role in guiding local assessment tool choices: For eligibility? For measuring outcomes? For program planning? We have selected one tool or a small list of tools that local programs/providers must use We recommend that local programs/ providers use certain tools We do not select or recommend specific assessment tools Other
Maryland’s experience
Poll Question 2 Has your state formed a specific work group for reviewing assessment tools for various purposes? Yes, we have a work group that reviews local assessment practices for various purposes. We have a workgroup that is looking at various practices, including assessment. I’m not aware of a work group looking at these issues. We do not have a work group reviewing local assessment practices.
Virginia’s experience
Poll Question 3 To what extent are your local programs/ providers linking child outcomes data across Part C and 619? Our Part C exit data ARE used for 619 entry data Our Part C exit data CAN BE used for 619 entry data We do not share outcomes data across Part C and 619 I’m not sure
Discussion Questions for Marcella, Tom, and Phyllis? Are there issues we have not touched upon? What additional processes or approaches are states using to guide local assessment practices ? What strategies have states developed to share data across Part C and 619?