ARCH-4372/6372 Technology in Architecture M+W, 9:00-10:30 AM Spring, 2017
Professor Robert A. Young E-mail: Phone: (801) 581-3909 Office Hours: M + T 10:30-11:30 AM or by appointment Web Site: TA: Michael Rigby (GRAD 1) TA: Patrick Ramstack, 1st year graduate studio
Textbooks & Other Readings Grondzik, Walter and Alison Zwok., Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, 12th Ed., New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2015. Website ( Coursepack Supplemental Reading materials Powerpoint Lectures Project Information
NAAB Student Performance Criteria This course and its prior fall semester complement, ARCH4350/6350, in part or in its entirety is intended to satisfy the following NAAB Student Performance Criteria: B.6 Environmental Systems: Ability to demonstrate the principles of environmental systems’ design, which must include active and passive heating and cooling, indoor air quality, solar orientation, daylighting and artificial illumination, and acoustics; and an understanding of performance assessment tools. B.9 Building Service Systems: Understanding of the basic principles and appropriate application and performance of building service systems such as plumbing, electrical, vertical transportation, security, and fire protection systems.
Objectives The objectives of this course are to teach the student to understand: demonstrate the principles of environmental systems’ design of active heating and cooling, indoor air quality, artificial illumination, and acoustics) understand performance assessment tools (economic payback analysis, life cycle cost analysis, energy modelling) understand the fundamentals of building service systems (plumbing, vertical transportation, electrical systems, fire protection systems, building security systems)
Projects Electric Light Fixture Technology Integration Case Study Integrated Studio Project
Recitations There will be a series of recitations as shown on the schedule: Recitation# Code Topic 1 EL Electric Lighting 2 HC Heating and Cooling Loads 3 PL Plumbing 4 AC Acoustics 5 SS Service Systems Students can work in small groups but each student must submit her or his own work individually to Canvas by 1 PM on the day it will be discussed in the recitation.
Late Policy Unexcused late work will be penalized one full letter grade for any part of the first calendar day and one full letter grade each day thereafter. For example, an “A” will become a “B” etc. All previously unsubmitted late work must be turned in by 5:00 PM on the last day of the classes to receive course completion credit.
Examinations Exams will be given during class time in the design studio. Children, pets, and guests are not allowed in studio during the exam. Unless otherwise announced, exams will be multiple choice/true-false questions.
Examinations Exams will be open book and open notes and will cover all lecture, reading, and recitation materials. Bring a calculator, a #2 or HB pencil, and any assigned reading materials.
Examinations Arrangements for students with learning difficulties should be made prior to the examination. Makeup exams will only be given for medical or legal related reasons.
Examinations Students arriving late will be penalized for their tardiness. Results will be posted a minimum of 24 hours after all students have taken the exam.
Grading A 93% C 73% A- 90% C- 70% B+ 87% D+ 67% B 83% D 63% C+ 77% E: <60%
Class Leadership & Participation Student interaction is imperative Questions are strongly encouraged Interaction is an important part of my teaching philosophy Questions and the resultant discussions bring richness and vitality to the course Come to class… ask questions…
Grading Leadership & Participation 100 points Recitations (5@20 pts each) 100 points Electric Lighting Fixture Project 100 points Technology in Architecture Project 100 points Integrated Studio Project 100 points Exams (3@100 pts. each) 300 points Total 800 points
Question(s) of the Day What is your experience in lighting, HVAC, utilities, and architectural acoustics? What would you like to learn about in this course? Respond on Canvas by midnight tonight
ARCH-4372/6372 Technology in Architecture Overview
Architectural Facilitator Interior Designer Facility Manager Contractor Construction Manager Utility Companies Civil Engineer Landscape Architect Regulatory Agencies Mechanical Engineer Electrical Engineer Structural Engineer OWNER Architectural Facilitator
Technology Integration Thermal Acoustical Luminous Sustainability Building Systems
Thermal Microclimate - Those you find - Those you create Passive Solar - Sun Control - Daylighting Interface
Thermal Mechanical Rooms Fan Rooms Vertical Chases
Acoustical Planning & Layout Acoustical Phenomena Transmission Reverberation
Luminous Visual Comfort Daylighting Electric Lighting
Sustainability Architectural Form as an Environmental Control Context – Microclimate enhancements Architectonics – Passive Solar and Daylighting Adaptive Reuse – Recycled buildings
Recall the topics that were covered in the environmental controls class… Stewardship of the Built Environment Microclimate Analysis Vernacular Precedent Passive Thermal Design Daylighting Visual Comfort
How to illustrate systems integration: Site Plan…exterior microclimate issues Sections…sun/daylight control, natural ventilation paths, HVAC mains, structural systems Elevations…sun/daylight control, natural ventilation Floor Plans…interior microclimate features, mechanical rooms, fan rooms, duct chases, electrical closets, plumbing chases, riser diagrams Model…daylighting and passive solar control Renderings…specific important details of technology integration
Environmental Controls
Environmental Controls