Welcome to Mrs. Brown’s 5th Grade Class
Core Knowledge Curriculum The Core Knowledge Curriculum is a spiraling curriculum. We build on many subjects that the students have learned in previous grades. Ms. Smith will be teaching the Social Studies part of the curriculum. The Classic Novels we will be studying include: -The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Sign of the Beaver, Little Women, and many more great short stories.
Additional Curriculum Words Their Way for Spelling Singapore for Math Easy Grammar Lucy Calkins Writing Conceptual over procedural. The why before the how. Concrete, pictorial, abstract. Model subtraction with counters to show importance of understanding what they are doing.
Reading and Projects We do not have reading logs; however, scholars should be reading at least 20 minutes a night. There are book report projects every other month. This means that scholars need to be accountable for reading throughout the month and working on their project. Parents and scholars will be made aware of any projects well in advance and there will be homework checkpoints along the way to help scholars remain on track.
Homework In Math, any extra practice work that is not completed during class time will be sent home to complete as homework. Weekly spelling is due every Friday, regardless of any absences. If a scholar does not turn in his or her work, they are expected to work on it during recess. Scholars taking home missing assignment reports every other week. All missing assignments are due along with the signed report the following Monday, or those assignments are zeros.
Absent? If your scholar is absent, they will receive an “Absent Folder” with a checklist of assignments inside. The scholar has two days from the day they return to school to finish the assignments. Please let the office know well in advance if your scholar will be absent for more than 4 consecutive days. You will arrange Independent Study through the office. The “Absent Folder” only includes the work done in class. Please check the weekly newsletter for homework.
Organization The 5th Grade teachers worked really hard on creating a system to keep our scholars organized! Each scholar has received: 1 Pencil Case with necessary supplies Notebooks for: Math, Spelling, Social Studies, and Language Arts Homework Folder Curriculum Materials Morning Work and Data Binder
Our Class Economy Fines Earnings Breaking a Class Rule…….. $50.00 No Homework………...……..$20.00 Messy Desk.….....……......... $10.00 Messy Cubby/Hook.….…... $10.00 No Name on Your Paper.... $10.00 Bathroom During Class…… $20.00 Earnings Job……………………….. $40.00/day Attendance………….... $10.00/day 100% on a test.............. $20.00 Teacher Compliment.... $10.00 Caught Being Good……..$10.00 Homework Club…...…….$50.00 Behavior clip chart, Behavior and Referral Forms, toys, fidget spinners, calling home, expectations
Jobs and the Auction Scholars were given a class job for the first quarter. They get to be servant leaders every day in class. We will have a monthly auction where scholars get to spend their hard-earned money. Donations would be much-appreciated for the bigger silent auction prizes! This is the one day a month that scholars may bring items of their own creation to sell. NO SLIME.
Volunteers Mentors are a vital part of John Adams Academy. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, or volunteering with our class in some other way, please let me know on the volunteer sign up sheet. We would love to have you share your knowledge with us. You are a valuable resource for our scholars. Donating items- amazon wish list??? Mention to parents that siblings aren’t allowed in the classroom when volunteering.
Field Trips Caroling at a local nursing home- mid-December January 29th - 31st: Science/Ropes Course Trip to Coloma Gibson Ranch Civil War Days - end of May Walking science trips to local park- parents will be notified well in advance Be cleared in the office by September 1st. Even if you were cleared, please make sure the office has updated insurance forms and that your form won’t be expiring before a field trip.
Communication Communication is key! My contact information is in the beginning of your welcome packet. Our class webpage:http://roseville.johnadamsacademy.org/ Parent Square: https://www.parentsquare.com/signin Remind parents about accessing aeries. MUST be able to access aeries.