How Culture Affects Communication
Facts About Culture Culture is learned, not innate Culture is an invisible force
Five Key Dimensions of Culture 1. Context 2. Individualism 3. Formality 4. Communication style 5. Time Orientation Textbook: pages 15-19
Context Textbook: Page 17, Figure 1.7
Individualism vs. Collectivism IndividualismCollectivism Take care of yourself and your immediate family only Born into extended families which protect then in exchange for loyalty I consciousnessWe consciousness Right to privacy Stress on belonging Giving your opinion is important Harmony is important Others are classified as individuals Others are classified as in group or out group
Individualism vs. Collectivism IndividualismCollectivism Transgression of rules leads to guilt feelings Transgression of rules leads to shame feelings Purpose of education is learning how to learn Purpose of education is learning how to do Task prevails over relationshipRelationship prevails over task Personal opinion expected: one person, one vote Opinions and votes predetermined by in group
Formality Tradition, ceremony and social rules Think of some examples of how different countries operate differently Some potential examples: Names Directness with business Age Position
Hofstede Power Distance
Communication Style hl=en&biw=1280&bih=562&tbm=isch&tbnid=_7dhRMZsg0za0M:&imgrefurl=
Time Orientation Monochronic view of time: 1. Almost a tangible substance 2. Time is money 3. Place importance on deadlines 4. Schedules are important 5. Tend to do one thing at a time
Time Orientation Polychronic Orientation 1. Personal relationships more important 2. Consider an objective to be achieved if possible 3. Do many things at once 4. Change plans easily and often