Reference Slides 17
4000XLT Details Clamp diode to support PCI Required to maintain data integrity in 3.3 V PCI systems (PCI spec AC Specifications [3.3 V], p.130) Protects 3.3 V device interfacing to 5 V PCI (11 V over shoot) Fastest speed grade, -1 and -09 Support zero wait-state Support highest integration Simplify implementation 18
4000XL Roadmap Details XL XLA XLT XLP 3.3V .35u Super-shrink 3.3V Now 3Q98 XLT 8 VTT-pins, clamp-diode 3.3V PCI compliant* XLP 8 VTT-pins, clamp-diode 3.3 & 5V PCI compliant** * Meets 5V PCI timing for up to 8 loads ** Bit-stream programmable 19
Partnership Details Vireo Software Leader in reconfigurable computing platforms and FPGA prototype systems Vireo Software Leader in Device Driver Tools 5,000+ customers worldwide Including Intel, IBM, Hewlett Packard, AMD, PictureTel, 3Com, National Instruments, Lucent, Samsung, Adaptec, Natural Microsystems, Sony, Toshiba, Compaq, Iomega... 20
Bridge Design Features 21
When Allen-Bradley needed CompactPCI, they chose Xilinx Confirmation! When Allen-Bradley needed CompactPCI, they chose Xilinx 22