GPS Network: Status GFZ Galina Dick, Markus Ramatschi GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Germany 5th COPS Workshop 26 - 27 March 2007 University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart
COPS-GPS Analysis Center at GFZ Potsdam GPS-derived products available at COPS Data Center since January 1, 2007 Main product: NRT ZTD/IWV of ~ 200 sites Time resolution: 15 minutes Product delay: < 1.45 min Quality: < 1-2 mm IWV Additional: ‚slant delays‘, post-processed
Water Vapor Monitoring (Web Page GFZ) Time series (last 2 or 7 days) Animation (selected time interval) Comparison to ‘Local Model’ of DWD
Supersites and planned location of GFZ GPS sites USA: routine impact studies for several years now Japan: no NRT, in preparation, interesting case studies with this very dense network IGS global frame
1) GPS site on SS (M): AMF Murg Valley, Heselbach (GFZ0) Status: site is ready Hourly data transfer to GFZ since 20th of March Meteo station installed IWV products will be available after the WS USA: routine impact studies for several years now Japan: no NRT, in preparation, interesting case studies with this very dense network IGS global frame
2) GPS site on SS (H): Hornisgrinde (GFZ1) Status: site is in preparation Antenna installed Receiver/Meteo station will be installed as soon as power supply and Internet will be available (April) USA: routine impact studies for several years now Japan: no NRT, in preparation, interesting case studies with this very dense network IGS global frame
3) GPS site on SS (R): Rhine Valley, Achern (GFZ2) Status: site is in preparation Installation in April as soon as infrastructure will be available (container, power supply, Internet) USA: routine impact studies for several years now Japan: no NRT, in preparation, interesting case studies with this very dense network IGS global frame
4) GPS site on SS (S): Airport Deckenpfronn (GFZ3) Status: site is in preparation Installation in May as soon as infrastructure will be available (container, power supply, Internet) USA: routine impact studies for several years now Japan: no NRT, in preparation, interesting case studies with this very dense network IGS global frame
Outlook Plans: Location of the 5th GPS site of GFZ should be discussed GFZ analysis network extension to more than 250 sites GPS data processing for all available sites during GOP/IOP Assimilation experiments over longer time periods and the subjective and statistical evaluation of the resulting forecasts, with a focus on the precipitation, are required and planned to assess the impact of GPS data. To have the most benefit from a parallel run with GPS all modeling problems should be investigated in more details and possibly corrected before. Otherwise a negative impact may be obtained which will not demonstrate the real potential of the GPS.