Freshman Parent Orientation 2016-2017
Positively impacting the lives of all students and families Del Mar PTSA PARENTS TEACHERS STUDENTS ALL TOGETHER! Positively impacting the lives of all students and families
PTSA Supported Programs We are not just about Bake Sales Academic Classroom Support Science Olympiads Dons Crew Technology Library AP Testing Awards 51%
Academic Support CLASSROOMS New Teachers Special Requests
More PTSA Supported Programs The Arts Music Art Culinary Art ADMIN QuickBooks, Insurance, Taxes, etc.) Hospitality Cookies, Waters at Parent Events Teacher appreciation lunch and monthly snacks Student Safety and Support Safe and Sober Grad Night Guest Speakers at Del Mar and other Schools Operating Costs Canteen, Community Dinner, Membership Dues to National PTA
The ARTS 8%
Admin Costs and Hospitality Insurance, Taxes, Software, etc. Hospitality Cookies, Waters at Events Teacher appreciation lunch and monthly snacks 8% 7%
PTSA Supported Programs Student Safety and Support 0% Safe and Sober Grad Night Funded by ticket sales and fundraisers allocated directly to Grad Night Guest Speakers at Del Mar and other Schools
Operating Costs It takes $$ to Make $$ 26% Operating Costs Canteen Community Dinner Membership Dues to National PTA DONATIONS over and above the DUES will help shrink this percentage and INCREASE funds for ACADEMIC and ARTS PROGRAMS
“Do good things for Kids” (students and young adults) - JOIN PTSA Stay connected to school events, information (and SchoolLoop) Develop relationships with Staff Demonstrate to your student that education is IMPORTANT When familes are involved, students do better. We are FUN and want to meet you
DEL MAR The rebirth of a great school!
Keys to Student Success Attendance Academic Time (Homework/Study) Four-Year Plan (Naviance) Support Networks
Attendance (Student) Attendance (School) Come to class on-time every day Come to class prepared with required materials and attitude If absent, arrange a time outside of class to meet with teacher and make up work Attendance (School) An automatic dialer should call your home if a student misses one or more periods.
Attendance (Parent) Familiarize yourself with the district attendance policy Schedule doctor’s appointments after school, and family vacations during allotted vacation times Arrange for reliable transportation Call attendance office periodically, get attendance printouts Parents will have 3 days to clear an absence, after which it will be designated a truancy and will not be changed. Parents may not approve tardies. Parents should monitor student attendance and tardies using our school loop program. REPORT ABSENCES(558-3063)
Keys to Student Success Attendance Academic Time (Homework/Study) Four-Year Plan Support Networks
“Academic Time” (Student) Keep student planner with all assignments and test dates Set aside 1-2 hours each night to do homework If homework is complete, study notes or read a book. Monitor progress using (online grade book)
Academic Time (Parents) Check Organization Check student planner for assignments Check ALL homework assignments Check binder for organization (look at returned work) Monitor Progress Use for information on upcoming assignments and grade Call teachers (at random)to check progress Check “Green sheets” for teacher’s policies
Keys to Student Success Attendance Academic Time (Homework/Study) Four-Year Plan Support Networks
Four-Year Plan (Student) Know high school graduation requirements Know/understand UC/CSU requirements Use 4-year planning template/NAVIANCE Visit Career Center Meet with counselor to check status and set goals All students with the last name have the following counselor: A-L Kristie Geist M-Z Richard Mendoza
Graduation Requirements Credits Required: 220 9th : 6 classes x 10 units: 60 10th: 6 classes x 10 units: 60 11th: 6 classes x 10 units: 60 12th : 6 classes x 10 units: 60 TOTAL: 240 OTHER REQUIREMENTS: California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)
Keys to Student Success Attendance Academic Time (Homework/Study) Four-Year Plan Support Networks
Support (Student) Talk to and email teachers to check progress Utilize teacher office hours for tutoring Talk to counselor if need help Find Private tutors if needed GET INVOLVED!
Support (School) Teachers (contact via email or phone) Homework Center Counselors On-site counseling from EMQ and CASSY
Meet School Expectations Lockers Skateboards brought to school should be placed in a locker during the school day. Student Dress Code
Support (Parents) Talk to your student about academic progress Know your student’s friends, interests, and how he/she uses free time. Watch for changes in student’s behavior Call or email teachers and counselors to communicate concerns. Get involved in parent organizations.
Communication School Mailings School Newsletter Daily Bulletin Website ( Parent/Student Handbook Course Catalog Del Mar website
Thank You!