Swimming in the Deep End, Shark Free! June, 2017 Swimming in the Deep End, Shark Free! RFP Challenges and Creative Approaches
We’re going to start this session with a 10 minute activity We’re going to start this session with a 10 minute activity. The Room Monitor will provide you a list of items, and you will need to determine what items you would need to survive if you were stranded on a desert island. (Distribute Survivor’s Guide)
RFP Protests Evaluation of Costs Limited Responses Failed Admin Review No matter what size Agency or University you support, RFPs present a wide variety of challenges that will leave you feeling like you have been thrown to the sharks! How you manage the different scenarios will impact the success of not only the solicitation, but of the agency objectives as well. We are going to focus on a few of the issues that seem to be challenging our current environment. Limited Responses Evaluation of Costs Failed Administrative Reviews Protests Changes in Direction Changes in Direction RFP
Limited Responses Supplier Base is not Robust Poor Market Research Conflicting or Unclear Requirements Inadequate Timeline to Respond Service Expectations are Unrealistic
Conduct your Own Research Other States Consortia Understand the Market Conduct your Own Research Other States Consortia Alternatives – RFI, RFQC Validate the Requirements What are they evaluating? What are the potential items that will require clarification? Limited Responses
Business Model differs from the Marketplace Scope Creep Timelines Complexity Costs Risk Expectations Business Model differs from the Marketplace Scope Creep Only offered by one supplier Limited Responses
Failed Admin Review Failed Admin Review Requested Forms that are not Required with the Solicitation Conflicting Use of Forms/Processes Requesting Too Many Attachments Requiring Alternate Processes to be followed
Supplier General Information Form Non-collusion Agreement For Electronic Bids: Supplier General Information Form Non-collusion Agreement DOR Tax Compliance Form Addendum Forms Failed Admin Review
Use of Conflicting or Alternate Processes Suppliers are unclear and potentially penalized Inconsistent Responses Risk of Protests Failed Admin Review
Inconsistent Responses Timeframe to Load Attachments Too Many Attachments Inconsistent Responses Timeframe to Load Attachments Difficult for Issuing Officer for Admin Review Difficult for Evaluators Risk of Protests Failed Admin Review
Numbering of Requirements – Mandatory Mandatory Scored Consistency Your First Lifesaver! Numbering of Requirements – Mandatory Mandatory Scored Additional Scored Requirement Following Established Processes in the Solicitation Process Program Requirements Document (PRD) H
Evaluation of Costs Costs are Fixed Programmatic Costs Poor Market Research Competing Priorities Not clearly captured All or Nothing
Fixed Programmatic Costs Assess the Value of the Solution Quantity Served, Number of Sessions, etc. Understand the Market Other States Consortia Market Indices Evaluation of Costs
Competing Priorities / All or Nothing Mindset Validate Cost Methodology prior to posting Divide Points across the Costs Methodology Evaluation of Costs
Clarifications to correct unclear requirements Multi-Award to correct unknown expectations Revised Cost Sheets After Bid Closing to capture forgotten items. Changing the Cost Methodology Evaluation of Costs
Protests Poor Market Research Conflicting or Unclear Requirements Inadequate Timeline to Respond Service Expectations are Unrealistic Administrative Review was incomplete Processes not Followed
Do not award if you have incomplete or inconclusive documentation. Follow the rules posted in the eRFP and the Georgia Procurement Manual. Do not award if you have incomplete or inconclusive documentation. Do not sacrifice time and award incorrectly. Protests
Do not change Scoring or Award Methodology after the bid has closed. Do not use alternate posting or processes in creating a solicitation or award. Maintain complete documentation. Protests
Changes in Direction Market and Environment Costs Expectations Legislature Risk
Changes in the Market and Environment can largely be handled with Addenda if the Solicitation is still open.* Changes in Budget/Anticipated Costs may require halting a solicitation. Changes in Direction
Legislative Changes may alter goals and/or solutions. Changes in Expectations may be handled with Addenda as needed or may require pulling the solicitation while you reassess. Legislative Changes may alter goals and/or solutions. Risks have to be evaluated to determine impact…..do not proceed if it has not been fully vetted. Changes in Direction
Time to Dive In!