Mr. Maxwell’s Procedures and CHAMPS


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Presentation transcript:

Mr. Maxwell’s Procedures and CHAMPS

Directions Get out a sheet of paper. You will take NOTES. Label this 8C Procedures. This could be a grade, so make sure you are actually working!

Entering the building/room How should you enter the building? Describe why it’s important to enter each class quietly without touching others. Why would it be important to check the board for the Agenda? DO NOT WAIT TO BEGIN YOUR STARTER. Do it right away.

Pencils If needed, when should pencils be sharpened? If your pencil should break accidentally during teacher directed instruction, you ________________ and I will __________, which gives you permission to sharpen your pencil without ever saying a word.

I have a question for you… Show me the appropriate way to raise your hand. List two reasons to raise your hand: 1. Ask a question 2. Give an on-topic statement

It’s Potty Time Quietly raise your agenda if you must go to the bathroom. You receive six passes in my class each nine weeks. Try to save your passes for TRUE EMERGENCIES and go to the bathroom in between classes. NOTE: I will not be as understanding as I have been about this.

Announcements When a school-wide announcement is made: 1. Stop what you are doing or saying 2. Listen carefully 3. Hold any questions until the end of the announcement. 4. At the end of the day, the announcements do not signify the end of class. You should continue to work, SILENTLY, while announcement is made.

Tardy 1. Walk quietly into class and sit down. 2. Place your pass on the corner of your desk or table for the teacher to pick up. 3. If you do not have a pass, sit down quietly and start working. 4. If another student makes a comment like: “You’re late!”, “SOMEONE IS LATE!”, Etc. they will receive their first official warning.

Materials Composition Notebook (200 sheets) Binder Dividers Colored Pencils

CHAMPS: What is it? A CHAMP is an acronym, or a word formed from the first letters of other words. Champs are a simple way to spell out our procedures, or norms. When we all follow procedures, the day runs more smoothly and we can all focus on the objective to be learned.

CHAMPS CHAMP stands for …. Conversation Help Activity Movement Participation

Beginning Class Conversation: No one should be talking after the bell rings. Help: Raise hand, wait for response. Activity: Working on the starter or whatever is written on the board. Movement: Getting out all the materials for class, putting away your backpack UNDER your desk. Not beside. No one out of their seat without permission. Participation: Every one is ready and working on their starter

Independent Work What does the word independent mean? Conversation- none Help- first consult your book or notes, second ask teacher, third, if teacher is busy, move on to the next problem and continue working Activity- work quietly until assignment is done, or finish for homework Movement- Students may move about only when permission is granted by the teacher. As long as no one is at the pencil sharpener, you may use it quietly. Participation- Students are busy and quietly working on assignment without disturbing others.

Brain Break: Lost! On a sheet of paper, name one item you’d like to take with you on a trip. Each person brought one thing with them – something they really enjoy. It can be anything! The situation is dire! Following a shipwreck, everyone has been stranded on a deserted island. One person record each person’s item! Now, at your table – you have to find a way to survive and get to safety. Discuss as a group how you can combine your items to find a way to survive long-term.

Teacher Instruction Conversation: Only when given permission by teacher. No blurting out. Help: Raise hand, wait for response Activity: actively listening and learning. Movement: None. Participation: All students are actively listening while seated and following teacher’s instructions

Cooperative Learning Conversation- Quietly work with your group only. Being rowdy will result in the lack of opportunities to work in a group. Help- First, try our classroom resources to find the answer with your other group members. If you still need help, ask the teacher. Activity- Students must work at their job to complete the assignment Movement- Only move if the assignment requires you, or if the teacher gives you permission Participation- Each group member has a particular job. Students are actively working together, giving equal shares of participation to arrive at a solution to the task. Why?

Maxwell’s Warning System You get at least TWO warnings in my class before we have to move onto the consequence menu. These warnings can be either verbal or on a card. If you receive a card DO NOT TOUCH IT. Leave it right where I put it. If it falls, raise your hand and I will get it. If you do touch it, no more warnings. If I flip the card over to “2” then you are on the second warning. If I take the card away then know that you are on the consequence menu. What is code zero?

Common Sense If you get in trouble, why is it a good idea NOT to talk back to the teacher? If the teacher asks you to do something, why should you not delay? Is it disrespectful to simply do whatever it is you want? Why? We all have bad days, but why is important not to let it affect your behavior? Mr. Maxwell’s DO-NOTS: 1) Do not say something back to me once you get in trouble. If you can’t say “Yes sir,” don’t say anything. 2) Do not start laughing when you are in trouble.

Consequence Menu *Note: At any time, I can skip one or all of these steps depending on the severity of the behavior. Consequence Menu: 1. Penalty Box 2. Penalty Box, Team Conference 3. Penalty Box, Building ISS, Parent Letter 4. Penalty Box, Meeting with Administrator 5. Office Referral, Parent Contact

STARTER ACTIVITIES Starter activities will completed every day and will be done at the beginning of class. You must copy the starter activity questions from the board and look up the answers in the textbook. You must make-up starter activities missed when absent! You will do starters on the same piece of paper all week and turn in one page on Fridays. This assignment counts for a grade every week! Starters will be checked each day. By the end of the week, you should have an easy 100!

Make-Up Work Make-Up work will be available on my class website! Any time you are absent you will go to the back of the room and get on the computer. Let’s walk through it. Turn in make up work into correct box! I am not responsible for your make-up work. Your momma, daddy, grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, brother, sister, dog, bobcat are not responsible for your make up work. YOU ARE. YOU. Take care of it.

No Name Graveyard If there is no name on your paper, you can find it in the no name graveyard.

Supplies and Textbooks You need all supplies listed on the general school supply list. Keep all social studies work in your binder or a separate folder just for this class. You also need a composition notebook (100 sheets) that will remain in the classroom. Bring your binder, paper, pencils with erasers, and colored pencils daily! Textbooks will not be issued, but can be checked out at any time.

Binder Checks Will occur at the end of every nine weeks. It is a very easy 100, if you have everything that needs to be there! All notes, starters, etc.