People and Policies Imperialism Spanish American War Random s Randoms 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
-President Taft’s foreign policy that joined the business/economic interests of a country with its diplomatic interests in Latin America. Row 1---100 Question
-Dollar Diplomacy Row 1---100 Answer
DAILY DOUBLE!! Row 1---200 Question TWO PART QUESTION: Teddy Roosevelt purchased the land for this with this treaty, in order to connect the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea so ships did not have to travel around the continent of South America. Row 1---200 Question
Panama Canal Hay-Paunceforte Treaty Row 1---200 Answer
He is known for his foreign policy, known as the Big Stick Policy; built the Panama Canal; was a Rough Riders member during Spanish-American War. Row 1---300 Question
-T. Roosevelt Row 1---300 Answer
Teddy Roosevelt ‘s policy in Latin America, which extended the Monroe Doctrine; it stated the US would intervene in Latin American affairs when necessary to maintain economic and political stability Row 1---400 Question
Roosevelt Corollary Row 1---400 Answer
-Queen of Hawaii in 1891 who was overthrown by American sugar plantation owners. Row 1---500 Question
Queen Liliuokalani Row 1---500 Answer
Volunteer cavalry unit in Spanish-American War; won San Juan Hill battle; TR was a member Row 2---100 Question
-Rough Riders Row 2---100 Answer
-Roosevelt’s foreign policy that increased the American involvement in foreign affairs; use the Great White Fleet to demonstrate this policy Row 2---200 Question
-Big Stick Policy Row 2---200 Answer
DAILY DOUBLE!! Row 2---300 Question THREE PART QUESTION! This country’s (what?) queen (who?)was overthrown by who? It became a territory of US and later became a state in 1959. Row 2---300 Question
The country of Hawaii’s queen, Liliuokalani, was overthrown by American businessmen/sugarcane plantation owners Row 2---300 Answer
Sensationalist reporting in which writers often exaggerated or even made up stories to attract readers, leading to one of the main causes for Spanish-American War. Row 2---400 Question
yellow journalism Row 2---400 Answer
The belief that nations competed with each other politically, economically, and militarily, and that only the strongest would ultimately survive. Row 2---500 Question
Social Darwinism Row 2---500 Answer
These Americans opposed the US purchase of the Philippines and the US becoming an empire Row 3---100 Question
-Anti-Imperialist League Row 3---100 Answer
The United States went to war again for this territory after the Spanish American War; it gained independence in 1946. Row 3---200 Question
Philippines Row 3---200 Answer
The economic and political domination of a strong nation over other weaker nations for econ. gain Row 3---300 Question
Imperialism Row 3---300 Answer
US made this agreement with Cuba after the Spanish-American War US made this agreement with Cuba after the Spanish-American War. Cuba became a protectorate of the US and Cuba had to allow the US to buy or lease naval stations. Row 3---400 Question
Platt Amendment Row 3---400 Answer
Wrote The Influence of Sea Power upon History; convinced US to build up their Navy to avoid being shut out of foreign markets. Row 3---500 Question
-Alfred T. Mahan Row 3---500 Answer
-This treaty ended the Spanish American war, annexing Guam and Puerto Rico into the United States and making Cuba an American protectorate Row 4---100 Question
-Treaty of Paris Row 4---100 Answer
-One of the main causes for the Spanish-American War, the US blamed the explosion of this ship on Spain Row 4---200 Question
- USS Maine Explosion Row 4---200 Answer
1. Between the 1890s and the start of World War I, the United States expanded its access to overseas markets and raw materials through the policy of (6.01) A containment B imperialism C isolationism D neutrality Row 4---300 Question
- imperialism Row 4---300 Answer
c. they could sell their products at higher prices in Asia and Africa. In the late 1800s, the United States were looking overseas for places to sell their products because a. they were producing more products than other industrialized countries wanted. b. they could sell more of their manufactured goods to new and larger markets there. c. they could sell their products at higher prices in Asia and Africa. d. Asia and Africa were producing products that European wanted in exchange for their own. Row 4---400 Question
b. they could sell more of their manufactured goods to new and larger markets there. Row 4---400 Answer
This was a feeling of pride in one’s country that eventually led to imperialistic tendencies and the build up to WWI Row 4---500 Question
What is nationalism? Row 4---500 Answer
This act made Puerto Rico an “unincorporated territory” of the United States. Row 5---100 Question
Foraker Act Row 5---100 Answer
The ____________________ were a secret Chinese society that organized and rebelled to get rid of foreign control in China. Row 5---200 Question
The Boxers Row 5---200 Answer
A ____________________ was an area where a foreign nation exclusively controlled economic development in an area of another nation. Row 5---300 Question
Sphere of influence Row 5---300 Answer
By proclaiming the Open Door policy in 1899, the United States was attempting to A keep Japan from attacking and colonizing China B increase trade between Russia and the United States C ensure equal trading opportunities in China D prevent European countries from colonizing the Western Hemisphere Row 5---400 Question
-C: ensure equal trading opportunities in China Row 5---400 Answer
-6. Which United States policy is most closely associated with the annexation of Hawaii and the Philippines? (6.02) A neutrality B isolationism C imperialism D international cooperation Row 5---500 Question
- C imperialism