HSCRC NSP II June 16, 2017 Judith A. Feustle, ScD, RN Associate Dean, GPS Nursing Stevenson University
Progress Through Partnerships Partner with community colleges (using the ATB model) to increase the number of RNBS graduates. Work with healthcare partners to promote RNBS and graduate nursing education using a cohort model.
Increasing the number of BS-prepared nurses – the ATB model Variations on a theme Acknowledge the model that CCBC put into place with Towson The model has continued to grow and diversify One size definitely does not fit all.
What we have learned so far: ATB is a sound model, which allows students to start at many different places. Differences in community college curriculum plans dictate some differences in the Stevenson ATB plan. Partnerships are absolutely worth the challenges related to initial set up, growing pains, implementing changes, and the nuts and bolts of making it work.
What we have learned so far (con’t): Data Collection is essential – from the beginning, collect data on everything GPA on admission (cum and partner); grades in all courses; timing of courses; start date; model; 1st vs. 2nd degree; accel, E/W, or day; college; etc.
What we are still learning about: Financial Aid – one of the biggest stressors for students (and staff). Progress of ATB students after they graduate from the community college ATB 1.0 versus ATB 2.0
Howard County Public School nurses started a cohort in Fall, 2016. The Cohort Model – increasing numbers of bachelor’s and master’s prepared nurses Stevenson partnered with Baltimore County Public Schools to enroll nurses in the graduate nursing concentration in Population-Based Care Coordination (PBCC) or the Certificate in PBCC Howard County Public School nurses started a cohort in Fall, 2016.
Cohort Model – another variation Upper Chesapeake Health System 5th cohort starts in Fall, 2016 Prefer hybrid to online
Joys and Concerns of a Cohort Model JOYS – The nurses provide lots of support and encouragement for each other. Starting a new cohort every semester or year allows some flexibility. CONCERNS – Once in the cohort, nurses like to stick together (even if that isn’t best).
QUESTIONS? Anything you would like to ask about Progress through Partnerships – either the ATB or the cohort model THANK YOU!