Pavement Performance Measures In Georgia Eric C. Pitts, P.E. Assistant State Maintenance Engineer
GEORGIA ROADS GA DOT is responsible for the construction and operations of the interstate, NHS and State Route system. Georgia Department of Transportation December 9, 2018
Current Roadways Maintained 18,100 centerline miles on the State Route System 45,942 Lane Miles 1,249 Centerline Miles on Interstate 5,995 Lane Miles on Interstate December 9, 2018 Georgia Department of Transportation
GDOT’s Performance Criteria Maintain 90% of routes rating 70 or better Maintain overall system average of 85 or better
Pavement Quality in Georgia Pavement Management (Maintenance) GPAMS December 9, 2018 Georgia Department of Transportation
Pavement Quality in Georgia Pavement Management (Maintenance) GPAMS Field Data Acquisition December 9, 2018 Georgia Department of Transportation
Working District District Priority State Priority Project # County1 MPFrom1 MPTo1 RouteNo RouteSuffix Project Limit Miles Treatment Estimate Cost ($) District Remark 1 Hall 1.6 0053 00 FORSYTH CO LINE TO BR. OVER CHATT.RIVER Level-Resurface/Shoulder Build 240331.2 Treatment and Cost adjusted 2 Franklin 7.6 10 0017 HART CO. TO MYRTLE ST. 2.4 290404.21 Combined; 12 MYRTLE STREET TO SILO CENTER 1.7 212793.25 3 Clarke 0.5 0015 TIMOTHY RD. TO SR 24 2.9 339963.65 Remove-Combine; Combined; 4 Oconee 9.4 0024 DIVIDED HWY SECTION TO SR 15 2.8 560772.8 Combined; Remove-Combine; Combined;
FISCAL YEAR 2009 SUMMARY PROJECTS DISTRIBUTIONS BASED ON DIFFERENT TREATMENT METHODS TREATMENT METHOD NO. OF PROJECTS MILES PROJECT COST ($) Crack Seal 20 379.77 $246,850.00 Chip Seal Slurry Seal 13 342.39 $4,184,741.00 Micro Seal Mill-Micro Seal Mill-Resurface 38 753.2 $74,470,521.69 Level-Resurface 118 2409.61 $117,895,737.25 Mill-Level-Resurface 408.39 $47,904,475.89 Shoulder Paving/Widening Overlay 56 1160.29 $55,838,662.00 Chip Seal-Resurface 10 87.58 $3,415,733.00 Mill $0.00 Mill-SpotOverlay 7 95.55 $2,866,376.00 Strip Seal Overlay/Shoulder Build Mill-Resurface/Shoulder Build 8 217.64 $14,439,343.46 Level-Resurface/Shoulder Build 150 3147.24 $258,947,915.92 Mill-Level-Resurface/Shoulder Build 50 1347.96 $109,961,851.17 Chip Seal-Resurface/Shoulder Build 33 970.05 $77,742,140.00 Total 523 11319.67 $767,914,347.38
Project Specific Deteriorization Curve
Tracking Results
Tracking Results
Comparing Districts
Pavement Management Forecast Based on Current Funding Allotment December 9, 2018 Georgia Department of Transportation
Current Identified Needs (Non-Interstate) 2700 centerline miles 16 % of the system FY 07 and FY 08 backlog of projects $425 Million Additional FY 09 projects $296 Million Total identified needs of $721 Million
Roadway Conditions in Georgia (Actual thru 2008) In FY 2002 Average rating was 88.4 In FY 2006 (the last year that data is currently available for) average rating is 85.4 With no changes in the current program the projected rating in FY 2014 will be 71.9 December 9, 2018 Georgia Department of Transportation
Roadway Conditions in Georgia Our stated goal is to maintain 90% of our routes with a PACES score of 70 or better. In FY 2002 92% of the routes were above a 70 In FY 2006 the percentage was down to 87.2 By FY 2014 with no change in the current funding levels that number will be at 59% December 9, 2018 Georgia Department of Transportation
Roadway Conditions in Georgia Georgia Department of Transportation December 9, 2018