Canterbury Tales Pilgrims Moral Rankings Project In your group, create some type of moral ranking on which to place each of the pilgrims (i.e. thermometer, scale, steps, compass, etc.). You must rank all pilgrims described in “The General Prologue” (Total of 23). Two may not share the same ranking. Decide from which point of view you are ranking the Pilgrims: your group’s opinion or Chaucer’s. Label this on your poster. Label each character by listing the occupation and also create some type of symbol that represents each character. Choose TEN pilgrims. For each of these ten pilgrims you will need to give a rationalization for his/her placement in your moral rankings. (Explain why you placed that particular pilgrim in that particular place in your rankings. Your final product should be poster-board sized, neat, colorful, and created with great effort. The details of the assignment should be clearly labeled and neatly written.