What or Who is he?
Harmless prankster?
Or greedy deceiver?
. . . actually, he’s both. the trickster
Driven by strong appetites Traditionally, are: tricksters Selfish Driven by strong appetites Clever Humorous Cunning Imitative Deceitful
Trickster tales: folk tales (stories handed down, usually by word of mouth, from generation to generation) that feature an animal or human character who engages in deceit, violence, and magic.
Trickster tales: most tricksters (of literature) exhibit contradictory characteristics— foolish yet clever greedy yet helpful immoral yet moral
Trickster tales: A strong character takes advantage of a weaker character The action may be repetitive The strong character remains confident until the end The story may teach a lesson
The Coyote
The coyote
The Coyote In Native American Indian literature, Coyote holds a unique position as one of the First Peoples– he helped prepare the world for the coming of humans.
of “the-world-as-it-is” a.k.a: the creator of “the-world-as-it-is”
The coyote: serves as a guide the landscape as well as a comic figure who is constantly tampering with the original creation of the world.
The Coyote: enjoys thievery for the trickery, sings, seduces, eats and drinks too much– he makes and embodies a world appropriate for human imperfections.