Emile Durkheim Le suicide 1897
Why did Durkheim study suicide? To establish sociology as an academic discipline. To demonstrate that suicide could not be explained by psychology alone.
Synoptic link is with methods Durkheim’s study is an exercise in positivism. He uses the suicide statistics from several European countries Durkheim regarded statistics as ‘social facts’. He would establish correlations & reveal the casual relationships which led to suicide.
Durkheim’s theory is grounded in two key concepts 1. Social integration The degree to which individuals were integrated into society. Eg: part of a family, at college/work, religious practises etc.
2. Social Regulation Social regulation The degree to which society regulates (controls) an individual’s behaviour Eg: the laws in society, religion, socialisation etc...
He links each possibility to four types of suicide Balance Durkheim believed that if the level of social regulation or integration was too strong OR too weak then suicide is more likely to occur. He links each possibility to four types of suicide
Egoistic Suicides (more common in industrial societies) Social integration is too weak. Results from the individual not being sufficiently integrated into society. Compared suicide rates amongst Catholics & Protestant’s as evidence.
2. Anomic Suicide (more common in industrial societies) Social regulation is too weak Results from the individual not being sufficiently regulated by society. Where traditional norms & values are disrupted by rapid social change producing ‘uncertainty’ in the minds of individuals. Durkheim pointed out that suicide rates increase in economic booms and busts as evidence.
3. Altruistic Suicide (more common in pre~industrial societies) Social integration is too strong Where the individual sacrifices their life out of a sense of duty to others. Eg: Hindu wives, Japanese kamikaze pilots, elderly Inuits etc..
4. Fatalistic Suicide (more common in pre~industrial societies) Social regulation is too strong Common among slaves & now rare in industrial societies. “ the suicide of persons with futures pitilessly blocked & passions violently choked by opressive discipline”. Durkheim said these were of ‘historic interest’.